< Playing with Fire
Playing with Fire/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character who can manipulate fire.
- Played Straight: Bob can breathe fire and shoot fireballs.
- Exaggerated: Bob can take on the very form of fire.
- Downplayed: Bob doesn't have the ability to create fire on his own, rather he's trained in the act of fire performing and knows the risks.
- Justified: Bob is a dragon.
- Inverted: Bob can stab foes with icicles or create tsunamis
- Subverted: Bob appears to be able to shoot fireballs, but it's actually a flamethrower.
- Double Subverted: But then he gains real fire control abilities.
- Deconstructed: Bob has no control over his abilities, and so has to obtain special fire-proof clothing and other items and cannot get close to other people, resulting in depression. Further, his powers result in fires wherever he goes, making him unpopular.
- Alternatively, Bob uses his powers for fire-setting.
- Reconstructed: So Bob went to a school to learn how to control fire.
- Parodied: Bob uses his ability to control fire for trivial purposes.
- Averted: Bob has no magical powers.
- Lampshaded: "...let's not have barbeque again..."
- Enforced: "Fire is cool, and we want our hero to look cool, so let's give him the fire powers."
- Invoked:Bob went to a school to learn how use fire.
- Defied: Bob learns other abilities so he doesn't have to use fire.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
Be careful! Playing with Fire can be dangerous.
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