< Piranha


  • Non Sequitur Scene: The nude ballet scene in the 2010 remake. The Italian aria just adds to the weirdness awesome.
    • The lizard-like creature that appears in the original. It's presumably another government experiment, but never explained.
  • Broken Base: If you ask anyone who has seen (or hasn't seen) the 2010 movie and hated it, their reasons for despising the movie will fall under too much Gorn and/or too much nudity. Isn't that the point?
  • Crosses the Line Twice: They took my penis!
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Ving Rhames killing as many piranha as possible even as they're biting him, using an outboard motor.

Deputy Fallon: Chew on this, motherfuckers!

    • And if the trailers for 3DD are anything to go by, he survived.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: The underwater nude ballet. Everyone in the theater, male and female was laughing their ass off.
    • You want funny? Try this: Someone brought their kids to see this movie when I went to see it. They didn't leave UNTIL the nude ballet.
  • Dude, Not Funny: Most of the gore in the 2010 movie went to exaggerated to this.
  • Everybody Remembers the Stripper: Yep, you guessed it: by far the most talked-about scene in the 2010 remake is the underwater nude ballet.
  • Hell Is That Noise
  • Nightmare Fuel: The piranha attack at the wet t-shirt contest. Dear God, the horror. It's the Eclipse Up to Eleven, just replace demons with piranhas and with no one to blame.
    • Just put this in perspective: Your spring break vacation had just turned into you're own personal D-Day, your friends are brutally murdered either by the piranhas, accidents caused by the piranhas, or because of the desprate people trying to get out of the piranhas' path, and the beaches you visited will have few more things in common with Omaha Beach.
    • The attack on the children in the original, and the scene where the young boy sees his father being eaten by the piranhas and almost gets eaten himself.
  • So Bad It's Good
  • Special Effects Failure: The gore in the 3D remake. Almost inverted; a lot of the time it comes across as too realistic, which makes it more disturbing than Bloody Hilarious.
    • Or it was supposed to be disturbing...horror movie.
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