PinkBlack is a webcomic by French woman Rann. It is currently hosted here. Warning: It contains a bit of crossdressing and Yaoi.
Fifteen year old Sifris is a wolf charmer, something he inherited from his less then helpful parents. A wolf charmer is a person who can summon, capture and control three different type of wolves, one of which is called a daemon wolf and can turn into a human.
Sadly, Sifris's skills are less then stellar. He can only summon cats and those are considered useless. He is sent to a relative named Loke, supposably to teach him. But all Loke wants to do is make him clean while he watches porn all day. Loke is, however, part of an organization that Sifris knows very little about.
Sifris himself isn't much of a social person, but has at least two friends: Zero and Charm. One day Charm asks if Sifris can take her job for a day. He is less then happy to take it because of the uniform but by the end of the day he finds himself the master of a pink haired daemon wolf named Terence...
- Aerith and Bob: You go people named Zero, Charm, Igni, Skorn and Sifris with people named Terence.
- Bishounen: Pretty much every male character.
- Boys Love: Its warned from the very beginning, but the hearts on the layout tell you enough.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Being fifteen, Sifris slips between this and Bishounen. More often this.
- Genki Girl: Igni the daemon wolf show signs of this. Charm seems to be this as well.
- First Kiss: Sifris' was with Zero, after Charm wrote their names in her Love Note.
- Mismatched Eyes: Sifris has a light bluey-green eye and a pink eye.
- Multicolored Hair: A few characters have it.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Sifris and Loke.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Charm. Terence also has pink hair but he is male.
- Shout-Out: 8 year old Sifris is shown wearing a pink Sailor Scout dress, and Charm has a Love Note.
- Voluntary Shapeshifter: The daemon Wolves.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Zero and Skorn, as well as daemon wolf seen a few times. I believe his name was Lance.
- Wholesome Crossdresser; Poor Sifris. He has to wear a dress to fill in for Charm. He hates it but damn, he looks good in it.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Most of the cast so far.