Pieces (film)

Pieces is a Slasher Movie from the year 1982.
The film opens up in 1942 where a little boy is shown completing a jigsaw puzzle with a nude woman on it. After his mother witnesses this, she freaks out and the boy hacks her up with an axe.
Forty years later, a college campus is shaken by a string of chainsaw murders.
Tropes used in Pieces (film) include:
- An Arm and a Leg: One girls dies when her arms are chopped off and she bleeds to death.
- Axe Before Entering
- An Axe to Grind: Mother in the opening gets axed.
- Blood Is Squicker in Water: The waterbed murder.
- Bookcase Passage
- Bring My Brown Pants: One girl wets herself when she is about to be killed.
- Camping a Crapper: Averted.
- Chainsaw Good: The killer's Weapon of Choice.
- Curtain Camouflage
- Damsel in Distress
- Daylight Horror: It starts off with a flashback of the killer chopping his mother up with an axe. The movie skips ahead forty years later and the first kill is a college student getting chopped up by a chainsaw in the middle of the quad on a day that's so sunny, the glare from the sun hides the killer's face. It's a very effective use of this trope.
- Dramatic Thunder
- Elevator Action Sequence
- Fan Service
- Flashback Echo: The killer starts his rampage when he sees a skateboarding girl crashing through a mirror carried by a two guys, as it reminds him of the time when his mother smashed one.
- Freudian Excuse: His reason for going insane? His mother took away his pornographic jigsaw puzzle.
- Gorn: Are you really suprised?
- Groin Attack: Used at the very ending and comes right out of nowhere.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: The fate of most victims.
- Hand of Death
- Handsome Lech: Kendall.
- Hollywood New England
- Impending Doom POV
- Intrepid Reporter: Sylvia.
- Ironic Nursery Tune: Little boy in the opening sings "Humpty Dumpty" to himself while putting the puzzle together.
- Jerkass Victim: The mother had it coming.
- Knife Nut: When he isn't using the chainsaw, the killer resorts to a knife.
- Mommy Issues: The killer, once again.
- Off with His Head: Plenty of victims gets their head severed.
- One Word Title
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse
- Porn Stash
- Pretty Little Headshots
- Red Herring: The large, bearded janitor is used as this.
- The Reveal: The identity of the killer.
- Scare Chord
- Shoot Out the Lock
- Shower Scene
- Slipping a Mickey
- Soundtrack Dissonance
- Take That: The "You don't have to go to Texas for a chainsaw massacre!" tagline.
- Time Skip
- Troubling Unchildlike Behaviour: The killer using a pornographic jigsaw puzzle during his childhood.
- Use Your Head
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