Pictures of You
Pictures Of You is a Webcomic written and drawn by Gibson Twist.
It tells the tale of farmboy Peter Morris who starts college life and forms a close circle of friends. While he adapts to life in the city, the group struggles with love life, money and the occassional barfight.
Oh, and it is constantly foreshadowed that something will go really, really wrong.
Tropes used in Pictures of You include:
- Affectionate Parody: See Shout-Out below.
- Art Evolution: While the Art was good from the beginning, the comic turned from black&white to full colour with the beginning of Book Three. And even more notable, when the first draft of the comic was posted.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Done beautifully with Chisto and Michelle
- Casanova Andy.
- Catch Phrase: "I didn't see that coming at all."
- Cerebus Syndrome: It starts out light and comedic (That is, if you ignore the Prologue) but everything seems to point towarts a rather dramatic ending. In this case though, it is planned.
- Cool Big Sis: Michelle tends to act this way towards Wily; she'll even occasionally call him 'Little Brother'.
- Did They or Didn't They?: Patrick and Alexander, though it's somewhat heavily implied that something did in fact happen between them, especially given Patrick's nervous reaction when he sees him again.
- Extreme Doormat: Melanie acts like this toward Devon, which Michelle eventually calls her out on it.
- Filler Strips: Done after every book, in form of guest artists drawing short scenes about the characters to bridge the hiatus.
- Five-Man Band: With Andy as The Hero, Christo as The Lancer, Patrick as The Smart Guy, Peter as The Big Guy and Wiley as The Chick. Also a music band (except for Christo)
- Foreshadowing: Oh so much! Peter, as the narrator, constantly hints that the group will fall apart.
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Averted with Alexander, who is an exchange student from Prague and a Strange Syntax Speaker, and Christo, who is from Spain and speaks perfect English.
- Grey and Grey Morality: No one in this comic is blameless.
- Informed Judaism: Andy.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Peter's brutal beating of Devon was received this way by readers. Readers initially cheered since he had it coming, but it didn't take long for it to turn to squick and sympathy.
- Naked People Trapped Outside: Christo does this to Peter, though he's not technically trapped outside; just in the hallway where Michelle and Lauren see him.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Peter unleashes on of these on Devon after he finds out he beat the crap out of Melanie. Peter hasn't been the same ever since.
- Oblivious to Love: Peter, though he seems to have moved past it.
- Odd Couple: Stoic Patrick and ladie's man Andy
- Oh Crap: Peter's reaction when he learns that the woman he slept with is married. This later happens again when Peter, Andy, and Mulligan discover that Michelle works as a stripper at the club they went to, and Peter, along with Michelle, suffer this when they find out that Mulligan told Christo before she had a chance to do so herself.
- The Rant: Reading Gibson Twist's tales about college life can be as entertaining as the comic itself. Also even more Foreshadowing
- The Reveal: After a lot of foreshadowing, it's finally revealed that Michelle is a stripper and gets found out by Peter, Andy, and Mulligan.
- The Stoner: Pretty much all the guys in the main cast, although they are far from being Buttmonkeys.
- Right Through the Wall: Andy's bedroom isn't exactly soundproof.
- Sassy Black Woman: Kara.
- Scary Black Man: The bouncer at the strip club Peter, Andy, and Mulligan go to.
- Shout-Out:
"Scooby dooby doo, I see you, smoking marijuana! You're not foolin' me, so share with me, some of that crazy ganga!
- Slap Slap Kiss: Sums up most of Christo's and Michelle's relationship.
- Stepford Smiler: Melanie, concerning her relationship with Devon. That is, until she breaks up with him after he brutally beats her.
- Invisible to Gaydar: Patrick.
- Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: Devon does this after he hits Melanie, saying that it's Peter and company's fault he got so angry at her, as well as her own fault for hanging out with them/having a life outside of her boyfriend.
- Yaoi Guys: Patrick and Alexander.
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