Photon: The Idiot Adventures is a 6 episode anime OVA and manga series by Koji Masunari.
The main character, Photon Earth, is a young child who possesses superhuman strength, but is a bit simple-minded. While tracking down his childhood friend Aun Freya, who has stolen "the sacred artifact" (a marker) AGAIN, he gets lost and accidentally finds a crashed (space) ship. Made cranky by the fact that Aun ran off after he caught her, and by the fact that she wrote "Baka/Idiot" on his forehead while he was sleeping, he starts scribbling "Baka/Idiot" all over the walls of the ship in a rage.
Eventually he writes it on the forehead of Keyne Aqua (who was in stasis after escaping from Sir Papacharino Nanadan) and then falls asleep on her, because she reminds him of Aun's older sister (who took care of him when he was young -- but moved away after getting married). Neat little fact about marriage in that galaxy. Instead of giving each other rings, the guy will "claim" the girl by tattooing the symbol on his head onto hers. And guess whose doodling just activated the ship's wake-up routine?
Not to be confused with the live-action Sci Fi series of the same name, loosely based on the "other" laser tag franchise of The Eighties.
- Accidental Marriage: When Photon, who had the word "Baka" drawn on his forehead by Aun, takes out his frustration by drawing it on an unconscious Keyne. Where Keyne comes from, drawing your partner's crest signifies marriage. Also done at the very end to Aun, Lashara, and Keyne (again, after it was erased by Papacharino's meddling), but Photon still doesn't understand the significance.
- Accidental Pervert: When Keyne strips as she searches for the tracker Papacharino put on her, he starts to rise out of the floor and is accidentally treated to a "nice view" for a few seconds.
- He then pauses for a few more seconds to enjoy this view, giving her a chance to destroy the tracker and escape (briefly).
- A God Am I: Papacharino's ambition and reason for chasing/abducting Keyne.
- All Men Are Perverts: Papacharino tries to convince Photon to help him peek in on the Women's bath, citing this as Man's Duty.
- Armor Is Useless: All the Brain Crystals in the universe can't stop a punch from Photon.
- A Twinkle in the Sky[context?]
- Baka: It's called The Idiot Adventures for a reason. Practically all of the main characters exhibit some type of stupidity.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type 4, from Keyne to Aun.
- Carry a Big Stick: Photon's weapon of choice.
- Fan Disservice: Any shot of Papacharino's lower half.
- Fan Service[context?]
- Gainaxing[context?]
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Aun says this about Photon whenever it's brought up.
- Hot Springs Episode[context?]
- Idiot Hero: Take a wild guess.
- Large Ham: Papacharino Nanadan.
- Lethal Chef: Keyne, possibly Aun as well.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: The Galactic Emperor is Keyne's father, and Lashara is not his daughter.
- Meaningful Name: Keyne Aqua is the key to unlocking the hidden power of the gods.
- Megaton Punch: Papacharino is on the receiving end of this quite a bit.
- My Death Is Just the Beginning: The Galactic Emperor deliberately allowed himself to be assassinated by Papacharino.
- Won't Work On Me: Most of the setting's Magitech and superpowers are based on Aho energy. Photon happens to be the focal point of anti-Aho energy, which allows him to Won't Work On Me any Aho-based effects (and gives him Super Strength).
- And the Emperor, knowing this, uses anti-Aho energy against Photon, which everyone else is immune to.
- Pettanko: Aun[context?]
- Phantom Zone Picture: Aun gets trapped in one of these by Bulan. However, she still manages to punch Papacharino's head until it bleeds.
- Punny Name: In addition to the examples mentioned above under Baka there is the plot-central Aho energy; aho and baka both mean, roughly, idiot.
- Required Secondary Powers: Aun Freya, who has the power to stop time in a wide area around her, actually lacks the secondary powers to prevent it from affecting herself as well (although she still has the required secondary powers to make sure the part of the world she's affecting still moves with the rest of the world, etc.). It's up to Photon, who is immune to just about anything to go in, knock her out to cancel it, and usually to beat the everloving crap out of whatever scared her so much she used her power.
- Sand Worm: One attacks a frightened Pochi, only to be skewered by Photon and devoured.
- Shotacon: Keyne and Lashara towards Photon.
- Skinship Grope[context?]
- Super Strength: Half of Photon's superpower.
- Switched At Birth: Keyne Aqua and Lashara Moon.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Pochi-One has a bow in her hair.
- Thanks for the Mammary[context?]
- The Chessmaster: The Galactic Emperor
- The Man Behind the Man: Bulan, aka the Galactic Emperor
- The Reveal[context?]
- Tsundere[context?]
- GenderConfusion: In an in-universe example, Pochi (all of them, it seems) are actually women, which surprises even Papacharino, their master/employer.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The Galactic Emperor reveals that he was bored with galactic conquest and wanted some new excitement.