< Phone Booth

Phone Booth/YMMV

  • Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory: The phone booth is a confession booth and the sniper is either a priest or God, to whom Stu is confessing his sins. In the end he is absolved.

Sniper: "That would explain it Bible-crazed killer targets fashion-obsessed publicist."

  • Magnificent Bastard: The sniper. As terrifying as he is, he is amazing.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Being trapped in a phone booth, held hostage by a guy who's aiming a high-powered rifle at you. Yeah, that'd be pretty damn scary.
  • Paranoia Fuel: Admit it. You've been a lot more cautious about answering phones since this film came out.
  • Tear Jerker: Stu's confessions.
  • What an Idiot!: It's fairly reasonable for those hookers to assume that Stu shot their pimp, but it's far less reasonable for them to stand around screaming at someone who they're convinced A: has a gun, and B: just used it to murder someone right in front of them. No wonder serial killers are always picking them off.
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