< Phish
- Archive Panic: Not only do they have 12 studio albums (itself quite a bit), but like The Grateful Dead, they're known best for their great live albums. So throw in all the live albums and you have over 50 albums. Let us not forget the fan tapes, either...
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: The Big Cypress festival. Around 85,000 people attended what ended up being the largest New Year's concert going on, which was a big deal considering it was about to be the new millennium. On the second night, the band played for seven and a half hours, midnight-to-sunrise, without any breaks. Tell me with a straight face that isn't impressive.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Any moment involving Fishman, his vacuum cleaner, and the song "Hold Your Head Up" by Argent.
- Face of the Band: Trey
- Fan Community Nicknames: Originally fans were called "Glides" (which in turn inspired the title of the song "Glide") and then later "Phans" or "Phish Heads".
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