Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: But of course!
  • Non Sequitur Scene: "Brand New Best Friend", as entertaining as it is, is still a major BLAM.
  • Broken Base: While this is for the most part averted regarding the actual movie, the ending is an entirely different matter....
  • Complete Monster: Averted in the case of Doof-2, though he came pretty close if not for his Heel Face Turn and the fact that he's just as zany as his parallel self.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: "Kick it Up a Notch". It has Slash after all.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Can be found here.
  • Genius Bonus: Or, perhaps, Liberal Arts Major Bonus - Norm's "Get me! I'm a Georgia O'Keefe painting!"
    • Ornithorhynchus anatinus, the scientific name of the platypus, is among the lyrics of "Everything's Better with Perry".
    • Existentialism trading cards!
      • "I'll trade you two Kafkas for a Dostoevsky." From Buford!
  • Moral Event Horizon: Parallel Doofenshmirtz crosses this when he tries to kill Perry, Phineas, Ferb, Candace and normal Doofenshmirtz via the Goozim monster.
    • The very fact he was willing to out Perry by having Platyborg attack Phineas and Ferb. If it wasn't for the fact that he was just as funny as the Doof we know and having a change of heart in the end, he'd be considered a Complete Monster.
      • He crossed this just from everything he did to his own dimension. He even acknowledges this in the end, feeling embarrassed about his "crimes against humanity."
  • Most Wonderful Sound: Isabella finally planting one on Phineas.
  • Nightmare Fuel: There are a few moments that straddle the line.
    • The baby heads return, but there is an entire dimension full of them.
    • The Goozim monster was a bit frightening.
      • Speaking of the monster, remember what shape it turned into after it jumped into the portal after Phineas and co.? Most of its body was shaved off, including its limbs.
    • A few of the dimensions during the "Brand New Reality" sequence, even if they only flash by for a second, are rather unsettling.
    • Doof-2. He rules parallel Danville with an iron fist as a dictator, with an army of Mecha-Mooks (thankfully some relief given that they are based off of Norm) led by a familiar platypus that you now see has turned evil against his own will. He forces everyone to conform, as well. Plus, he crosses the Moral Event Horizon several times, and would be a Complete Monster if he wasn't as wacky as his parallel self!
    • The robot dog Phineas rides during the Robot Riot scene, named Rover in another episode, may look a quite a bit disturbing from certain angles.
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Quite successfully averted. The video game adaptation of this film is not only very enjoyable to play, but also has all the original voice actors, humor that could have come straight out of the show itself, and a seriously cool song to go with it.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: What? No Vanessa (Original and Parallel) and/or Parallel Stacy? No Parallel Stacy is even more of one when you realize that her absence is justified since Parallel Candace's "growing up" so fast probably made it so that she never met her world's Stacy, which makes the plot an even bigger waste because Original Candace and Stacy never bring that up or reflect on it.
    • In a way, they already used that plot with Parallel Jeremy (While she did meet him, she thought of him purely as a soldier, rather than a possible friend or boyfriend like she would have had she not had to grow up so fast.) Throwing in the same thing with Stacy would have wasted time without adding much.
    • And there was going to be a few scenes with both original and parallel Vanessa, but they had to cut them out due to timing. You can watch said deleted scenes on the DVD.
  • What an Idiot!: Our Doof once built an army of robots just like Doof-2, except he 1) installed self-destruct switches and 2) placed them on the bottom of their feet so no one would be able to reach them. One step later and...
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