< Phantasy Star Online

Phantasy Star Online/YMMV

  • Complacent Gaming Syndrome: A walkthrough of the game with regards to player preference can be summarized as "Do the Forest until you can handle Towards the Future. Then do that until you can handle the Forest on the next difficulty, or if you're on Ultimate, until you hit Level 200."
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Sonic Team is behind this game, so it's a given. Not only that, but an unofficial "Premium Edition" for Part 2's soundtrack was done by some of the biggest musicians in video game music because it was that awesome.
  • Narm: In the quest, Seat of the Heart, Elly Person's insistence that Calus is "human" can seem like this for a few people, especially those who are more pragmatic.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The final boss starts off in an open meadow with an obelisk. Once you get near it, look at the floor.
  • Tear Jerker: The ending of Episode I, and the realization that you just killed Rico. That, and the fact that you were minutes behind her the entire time.
  • That One Boss: A majority of the bosses are rather tricky, but some stand out:
    • Episode 1 had De Rol Le, who gives Hunters and Casts hell and has a strong attack that strikes the platform you're on at random in the dark. There's also Vol Opt, who will occasionally raise a series of blue lit pillars from the floor, along with a lone red lit pillar. Landing an initial strike on any of the blue pillars will prompt an immediate and often lethal (or, if you survive, debilitating) attack on the party, and has an array of very strong attacks in his second form. And then there is Dark Falz, whose attack are extremely strong, some being undodgeable.
    • Episode 3 has the Leukon Knight (whose everchanging stats are rather annoying), Pollux (for the Hunters, constant AP gain, an immunity to weak attacks, and a timed ability where she starts ignoring your weapons to hit you directly), Castor (for the Arkz, very powerful long range attacks, dice roll effects are instant-kill on your monsters 65% of the time, and able to damage you by killing your monsters) & Amplum Umbra (who just throws the rules right out the window).
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