< Phantasy Star IV

Phantasy Star IV/Fridge

"Alys never figured it out. I paid her my wedding fund in order to stay with her, but she went and bought me armour worth ten times that so I could keep up in a fight!" - Hahn, Conversations Within Elsydeon

    • It's actually consistent with how Rune mentioned Alys fought for more than just money. It's not unlikely Alys was merely attempting to provoke Hahn to stand up for himself, but Hahn never caught on to that.
  • Chaz is the only one who freaks out that the emergency shuttle is crashing. He's the only person in the group who has never experienced or studied space travel before: Wren is an android, Rika is his student who's lived in a lab all her life, and Rune remembers the spaceship Noah and going into cryosleep.
  • Fridge Horror
    • The climate control system never gets repaired. Wren and Demi are prepared to help it limp along for as long as they can, but they acknowledge that it'll never work again and Motavia will return to its native state: a completely arid desert that was never meant to support Parmanian life.
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