Persona 4 Arena/Characters
A character sheet for Persona 4 Arena, the Fighting Game sequel of the JRPG Persona 4. More tropes can be found in the character sheets of Persona 3 and 4.
The Investigation Team
Yu Narukami
Arcana: Fool
Persona: Izanagi /Izanagi-No-Okami
Weapon: Katana
The protagonist of Persona 4. Yu was a transfer student to Yasogami High School, where he awakened to the power of Persona, formed the Investigation Team with his friends and solved the murder mysteries behind the Midnight Channel. Left Inaba to return to the city by the end of the school year, but returns to reform the team and look into the mysterious "P-1 Grand Prix".
- Canon Name: Similar to the anime adaption, he is named Yu Narukami.
- Jack of All Stats: He is the game's well-rounded character, possessing no strengths nor weaknesses.
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Kamehame Hadoken: Ziodyne.
- Shock and Awe: Thanks to Izanagi.
- Shotoclone
Yosuke Hanamura
Arcana: Magician
Persona: Jiraya
Weapons: Dual-wield kitchen knives
The happy-go-lucky second-in-command of the Investigation Team. Yosuke came from the big city before his father took a job as the manager of the Junes supermarket in Inaba. Despite his initial dislike of the town and its inhabitants, Yosuke learned to love Inaba and made several friends in the town. He joined in Investigation Team after the murder of his crush, Saki Konishi, in the Midnight Channel.
- Dual-Wielding: His kitchen knives.
- Fragile Speedster: Can rush down enemies from all directions, but needs combos to really dish out damage. Has surprisingly above average HP, something that is not common among most examples of this trope.
- Hit and Run Tactics
- The Lancer
Chie Satonaka
Arcana: Chariot
Persona: Tomoe Grazen
Weapons: Leg Greaves
A tomboyish native of Inaba, and best friend of Yukiko Amagi. Chie is a fierce fighter who enjoys the occasional meat bowl and martial arts movie. Upon joining the Team following Yukiko's kidnapping, Chie uses her skills to defend her friends and the defenseless from anyone who wishes them harm.
- Glass Cannon: Can rush enemies with powerful combos, but can't really take punishment herself.
- Kick Chick / Extremity Extremist: Almost all of her attacks are kicks.
- Shorttank
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The tomboy to Yukiko's girly girl. Actually reflected in their fighting styles: while both are Glass Cannons, Chie is a full-on offensive beast, while Yukiko keeps her distance with her Persona.
- The Big Guy: A role she shares with Kanji.
Yukiko Amagi
Arcana: High Priestess
Persona: Konohana Sakuya
Weapon: Fan
The graceful and beautiful heiress to the Amagi Inn, a landmark of Inaba. Yukiko has always wanted to find herself outside of Inaba and be free of her predetermined fate. Upon joining the team, Yukiko has learned to accept her home and fight alongside her friends to defend from the Shadows of the Midnight Channel.
- Cherry Blossoms: Uses them in her Mortal Blow, where a large storm of blossoms causes the opponent to disintegrate.
- Glass Cannon: She syncs her attacks to her Persona's, but is weak without Konohana Sakuya and cannot sustain too much damage.
- Playing with Fire: Thanks to Konohana Sakuya.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Chie is the tomboy to Yukiko's girly girl-ness. With regards to the Team as a whole, she and Rise are the girly girls to the tomboyish Naoto and Chie.
- The Chick
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Kanji Tatsumi
Arcana: Emperor
Persona: Take-Mikazuchi
Weapon: Steel chair
Despite his brutish appearance and personality, Kanji only seeks acceptance for who he is, possessing Hidden Depths such as a caring personality and interest in sewing. In combat, he is not to be taken lightly, being able to devastate enemies with powerful blows and strikes.
- Chairman of the Brawl: Comes packaged with a few wrestling moves, like elbow drops and DD Ts.
- Mighty Glacier: Can take and dish out damage very well, but is sluggish in movement.
- Shock and Awe: Can deal electric damage with Take-Mikazuchi
- The Big Guy: A position shared with Chie; him being the Mighty Glacier type and her the Glass Cannon variety.
Teddie (Kuma)
Arcana: Star
Persona: Kintoki-Douji
Weapons: Claws
A Shadow hailing from the Midnight Channel, who assists the Investigation Team in their business in the Channel. Unlike his bretheren, Teddie is civil and friendly with humans. Despite his antics, he is determined to seek the truth behind the murders of Inaba. He just so happens to be the host of the mysterious Persona fighting tournament, the "P-1 Grand Prix".
- Confusion Fu: His entire movelist, which would make Yoshimitsu proud.
- Squishy Wizard: See Confusion Fu above.
- Wolverine Claws
Rise Kujikawa
Arcana: Lovers
Persona: Himiko
A teen idol who goes by her stage name "Risette". She took a temporary retirement from the showbiz world to return to her hometown of Inaba and to discover who the "real Rise" is. She does not battle enemies directly; instead, she scans them for data, which she shares with the Investigation Team. She also acts as the commentator of the "P-1 Grand Prix", calling out the battles of the tournament.
- Combat Commentator: An interesting variation; Rise calls the matches play-by-play, but shows concern for the combatants, seeing as how they're her friends (even applies for the Persona 3 characters.)
- Idol Singer: That's Risette for you.
Naoto Shirogane
Arcana: Fortune
Persona: Sukuna-Hikona
Weapon: Pistol
A calm and level-headed detective, who allies herself with the Investigation Team to solve the murder mysteries of Inaba. She chose to hid her true gender, for fear of the discrimination she may face in the male-dominated police world. Despite her struggles, Naoto manages to be a well-respected detective, thanks to her smarts and investigative skills.
- The Ace
- The Gunslinger
- Squishy Wizard: She is mostly played as a keep-away character, but can easily lower her enemies Fate Gauge to One-Hit Kill them with Hamaon or Mudoon traps.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: Her Hamaon and Mudoon traps.
Arcana: Fool/Chariot
Persona: Pallas Athena
Weapons: Various firearms
A Shadow-hunting android created by the Kirijo Group, who served alongside S.E.E.S in their campaign against Nyx. After which, she became the field leader of the group in the battle against Erebus. She would end up disappearing and re-appearing in the rural town of Inaba, joining the "P-1 Grand Prix" for reasons unknown.
- Bottomless Magazines: Averted. She has only 150 bullets at the start each round.
- The Gunslinger
- Lightning Bruiser: Is very agile in addition to being able to launch very powerful attacks from various ranges.
- Limit Break: Can activate Orgia Mode, where her attack power increases.
Mitsuru Kirijo
Arcana: Empress
Persona: Artemesia
Weapon: Rapier
One of the founding members of S.E.E.S, a group of Gekkoukan High School students and Persona users. After graduating, Mitsuru became a part of the social elites in college, while attending to the needs of the Kirijo Group. She travels to Inaba in order to look for something of hers, and learns of the "P-1 Grand Prix". Suspicious of the gathering of Persona users, Mitsuru decides to participate and look into the Grand Prix.
- An Ice Person
- Gratuitous French: Peppers this in with a bit of Gratuitous English.
- Jack of All Stats: Not to the extent of Yu, but she's up there.
- Royal Rapier
Akihiko Sanada
Arcana: Emperor
Persona: Caesar
Weapons: His fists, a machete
A veteran of S.E.E.S and close friend of Mitsuru. After gradutating, Akihiko decided to focus of perfecting his punch and becoming the best fighter in the world. Upon learning of the "P-1 Grand Prix", Mitsuru sends an invitation to Akihiko to join her. Eager to battle a new generation of Persona users, Akihiko returns to Japan.
- Badass Cape
- Blood Knight: If his backstory is anything to go by...
- Good Old Fisticuffs
- Lightning Bruiser: His punches are powerful as they are fast.
- Machete Mayhem
Unaffiliated Characters
Arcana: Fortune
Persona: Ariadne
Weapon: Giant Axe
A Shadow-hunting android similar to Aigis. For reasons yet to be explained, Labrys was thrown into the Midnight Channel, creating a replica of Inaba which serves as the stage of the "P-1 Grand Prix" and as her Midnight Channel dungeon, born out of her desire to go to school and be a real girl.
- Ascended Extra / Canon Immigrant: From being mentioned in a Persona 3 drama CD to being a fully-fleged fighter.
- An Axe to Grind
- Evolving Attack: Her strength increases the more attacks she lands, allowing her to reach Game Breaker strength if she attacks frequently.
- Kansai Regional Accent: In the Japanese track.
Shadow Labrys
Arcana: Fortune
Persona: Asterios (actually an extension of herself)
Weapon: Giant Axe
Labrys' shadow, born out of her desire to live like a normal girl. She is responsible for creating the "P-1 Grand Prix", masquerading as Teddie to do so, as well as the false Inaba which serves as Labrys' dungeon in the Midnight Channel.
- An Axe to Grind
- Final Boss: In Arcade Mode.
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: She acts as the Evil Ryu to Labrys' Ryu, possessing a different movelist.
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Trailers Always Spoil: Yukiko's story mode trailer features Yukiko seeing Teddie's "dictator" outfit and bursting into her usual fit of uncontrollable laughter. Teddie, however, is baffled by this reaction, partially giving away that the "Teddie" Yukiko is talking to is not the real one.
Arcana: ???
Persona: Izanagi
Weapon: Katana
A Shadow who acts as an extension of Shadow Labrys' body, usually taking the form of a demonic bull. He also takes on the appearance of Yu's Shadow self.
Arcana: Death
Persona: Thanatos
Weapons: Persona cards
One of Igor's assistants in the Velvet Room, who can not only fuse Personas for the Room's guests, but is also a skilled Persona wielder herself. After the battle against Erebus, Elizabeth leaves the Velvet Room, hoping to free one of the room's guests who sacrificed his life to seal Nyx. Her travels take her to Inaba and the "P-1 Grand Prix."
- Elemental Powers: She can utilize each and every one.
- Glass Cannon: The biggest example in the game: Elizabeth is arguably the most powerful character in terms of damage, but possesses a very small amount of vitality.
- Which is hilarious when you consider that as the Bonus Boss of the original Persona 3, she had a metric ton of health.
- One-Hit Kill: Her Hamaon and Mudoon attacks, which function differently compared to Naoto's variations.
- SNK Boss: In Score Attack Mode.