< Persona 2

Persona 2/Funny

  • Innocent Sin - In the GOLD gym, Eikichi gets an ENTIRE WEIGHT MACHINE dropped on him, complete with Looney Tunes-esque DONG noise. Even more hilarious is his understatement of a reaction when he gets back up. And yes, he DOES get back up from having AN ENTIRE WEIGHT MACHINE dropped on HIS HEAD!
      • And Tatsuya manages to save Maya by pushing her away from a falling item from the ceiling. Same dungeon, Eikichi fell into the same trap and Tatsuya didn't even bother. Naturally, Eikichi complains.
    • Later, Makimura tries to be a badass and threatens to kill off the good guys, then Ulala shows up, out for his blood. Cue him screaming and running like a bitch.
  • Eternal Punishment In the GOLD gym, Maya has the option to tell Katsuya about a pervert in the Women's Locker Room. If she does tell him, you get treated a scene where Katsuya gives the pervert a well deserved beating.
  • Eternal Punishment Katsuya and Baofu have to run through a really hot tunnel, and both are VERY worried their Cool Shades will MELT. Not So Different eh?
  • The entire blimp sequence in Innocent Sin.
  • Some of the Contact options can lead to this. For example:

Ellen: Did you enjoy my hips swaying as I walked?
Minotaur: Mmmm... You, walk weird! Go see doctor.

  • Some? Most of the stuff that can scare demons just talking to them deserve a mention: talking about baseball, television, mother, marriage, Santa Claus, asking for money...
  • Baofu meeting Ellen's stalker in the Kimon Tonkou dungeon pre-empts a very blunt question from Baofu himself.

Baofu: Who the f##k are you?

  • At Parabellum; Baofu and Ulala are supposed to be acting to draw the media's attention away from the Guest Star Party Member, when Ulala drinks a bit too much and actually gets serious on Baofu, striking him with her battle animation. Later, Maya's boss jumps in and strikes him down as well; getting him beaten down by two women.
    • It gets better: If you talk with Baofu right after that, he'll tell Maya that her plan worked a bit too well and proceeds to ask what "cross-dressing bitch" means. Maya laughs a bit and Baofu gets an epic Oh Crap moment. Poor guy.
  • Innocent Sin - When Maya and Ixquic say their Catch Phrase at the same time in battle and she calls her out on it.
  • Ulala swears like a dog in the American version of Eternal Punishment. However, they just bleeped this out. And given that they don't bleep the whole word out...it doesn't take much to guess what she's saying.

Ulala: Don't underestimate me you *bleep*ing bastards!

    • And when she's talking to Elly's stalker...

Stalker: "You're no different than me! I'm gonna *bleep* your *bleep* and *bleep* it!"
Ulala: "Shut UP! You *bleep* *bleep*! I'm *bleep*ing kick your scrawny a*bleep*! You piece of sh*Bleep*!"

  • People's reactions to seeing the inside of Maya's apartment. No one expects her to be so messy.
  • Have the Persona Hades and meet a Demeter Demon and watch them argue with each other over her daughter.
  • Innocent Sin - Lisa has gone off with the other Muses and Ginji Sasaki to perform as an idol, and the others hear that Sasaki has a bad habit of getting "frisky" with adolescent idol girls...

Eikichi: [panicked] What!? Ginji Sasaki's a pedo!? Then Ginko's...! *beat* [totally calm] ...Probably beating the shit out of him. We should maybe go stop her before she ends up committing murder.

  • There's a lot of visual humor in Innocent Sin even though the graphics aren't the best for it. Still, some of it really stands out:
    • While Ms. Saeko is trying to get Tatsuya to open up about his plans for the future, Lisa comes along asking to borrow him. Tatsuya's panic is palpable as he gestures and shakes his head silently begging Ms. Saeko not to hand him over.
    • When Eikichi comes along to Sevens, at one point a group of students swarm him intent on stealing the emblems off his Kasugayama school uniform. They spin him around with comical whirling sound effects and he's flat on the ground with eyes bugged out afterward.
    • On first meeting Maya and Yukino, Eikichi steps forward to give some "suave," self-aggrandizing introduction - and Lisa promptly kicks him in the back of the knee, sending him sprawling.
    • Tatsuya as a kid doing what looks like slapping some kids rapidly after they tease Jun about his father being a deadbeat.
  • There's a funny part in Innocent Sin where the team has to drive a boat down a river. Maya volunteers to steer the boat, and the others have their doubts. It doesn't end well...

[after crashing into a stone pillar] Eikichi and Lisa: CALLED IT!

  • If you try to contact members of the Masked Circle, they will cry 'Glory to the mask!' The Scorpio members say this in a really funny, sort-of pained, high-pitched voice.
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