< Person of Interest

Person of Interest/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Kohl's death at the end of "Foe." Also a variety of Suicide by Cop.
  • Base Breaker: Just going by the forums at Television Without Pity Detective Carter or her actress, Taraji P. Henson.
  • The CSI Effect: Winked at in S01E14, "Wolf and Cub", when Carter tells a perp they have DNA back over the course of a few days. He, being a Genre Savvy repeat offender, coolly retorts that those take three months to come back.
  • Expy: Elias, especially in how he's introduced bears more than a little resemblance to a certain other criminal mastermind
  • Foe Yay: In the opening of "Legacy", Carter waiting for Reese looks a lot like someone waiting for their date.
  • Fridge Brilliance: How does Finch know who he can safely call for backup when Elias is breaking into the safehouse? Thanks to his work as Reese's inside man in HR, he knows just about everyone who isn't an honest cop in New York, and called somebody who wasn't on that list.
  • Ho Yay: Reese wakes up to his second meeting with Finch handcuffed to the bed in flexcuffs.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Elias locking a baby in a freezer car to get Reese to reveal the location of a man Elias wants dead. This is actually a double MEH - not only is Elias threatening to kill a baby, he had agreed to help Reese save the baby from some kidnappers as a return favor for Reese saving his life in an earlier episode, which shows how Elias honors his debts.
  • Squick: How Ulrich Kohl uses needles in "Foe."
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