< Perfect Pacifist People

Perfect Pacifist People/Playing With

Basic Trope: The people in a utopian society are Actual Pacifists, having ascended beyond negative feelings like hatred and violence.

  • Straight: In the Crystal Spires and Togas world of Tropevia, everyone is repulsed at the mere notion of causing harm to others.
  • Exaggerated: The Tropevians will have a Heroic BSOD if they do anything even remotely harmful... like cutting one's hair.
  • Justified: The Tropevians were engineered for passivity and docility by ancient Precursors.
  • Inverted: The Tropevians are a society of Blood Knights.
  • Subverted: Tropevia has an automated defense system to zap intruders before they can disturb the citizens.
    • The Tropevians don't like to fight. That doesn't mean that they don't fight when they have to.
  • Double Subverted: Tropevia's automated defense system zaps intruders with a Hypno Ray that turns them into Perfect Pacifist People, who then join the Tropevians.
  • Parodied: The Tropevians are so perfect and pacifistic that they're unfailingly polite to the brutal barbarians who attack them even as the barbarians are slaughtering them.
  • Deconstructed: Tropevian society is perfect and pacifistic now because it is built on the bones of countless billions who the Tropevians slaughtered when they weren't quite so utopian as they are now.
    • The Tropevians are offensively self-righteous and dismissive of 'lesser beings' who have not achieved the perfect, pacifistic state that they enjoy. Many note that they are still willing to allow 'lesser' species to die in their defence, however.
    • Alternatively: Since the Tropevians are so pacifistic, it doesn't take long before the other, less pacifistic, nations attempts to conquer their society. The Tropevians realize that they must either throw away their pacifism in order to survive or face conquering or, at worst, extinction.
  • Reconstructed: Part of the reason the Tropevians are so unfailingly pacifistic now is because of their lingering shame at the atrocities their warlike ancestors caused.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Tropevia has nice people, but not all of theme are nice. Just like any society.
  • Enforced: The author is a pacifist writing an Author Tract.
  • Lampshaded: "Welcome to Tropevia, where we won't lift a finger to stop you even if you slaughter us like sheep."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Defied: Tropevia knows that other, more warlike peoples will take advantage of apparent weakness, and keep a military around to protect their way of life.
  • Discussed: "You can tell this is a utopia because nobody fights."
  • Conversed: "Oh, great -- it's another one of those implausibly peaceful hyper-advanced societies."

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