< Penny Arcade (Webcomic)
Penny Arcade (Webcomic)/YMMV
- Accidental Innuendo: In this strip.
Tycho: What's topping? Let's top. I want to top.
- Crazy Awesome:
- Gabe, as seen here.
- And of course, World of... Warhammer Online... Craft.
- Crosses the Line Twice: Many of the strips. Probably the best example would be the comic where Tycho gets the hiccups.
- Dude, Not Funny: The reaction to "The Sixth Slave" was rather... mixed. Not helping this was Gabe's response--that it was no different from their trademark style and the dickwolves to be no worse than the Fruit Fucker 5000, a rapist character who'd been in the comic for years.
- Ensemble Darkhorse:
- Pretty much any character introduced for a one-off joke can be guaranteed to become a fan favourite, leading to many an Ascended Extra. Examples include Div, the Fruit Fucker 5000, Twisp and Catsby (also Springtime for Hitler) and the Broodax Imperiate.
- Tycho's niece, Anne, also known as Annarchy, won a poll by a landslide to determine which character to focus on as an arc during the authors' trip to Comic-Con 2011. Hence, Annservice.
- Fan Dumb: The whole Sixth Slave controversy went on for MONTHS. Not helping this were groups like the "teamrape" trolls, who, among other things, sent pictures of mutilated and dead women to known rape victims in the fandom.
- Harsher in Hindsight: Gabe's newspost about Prince of Persia: Warrior Within mentioned that the game's shift in tone from the original seemed like Ubisoft getting rid of things that fans of the first game loved in order to accomodate people who never liked it to begin with. He goes on to sarcastically suggest, "Thanks Ubi, you know a lot of people really hate all the sneaking around in Splinter Cell. Why don't you give Sam a dual Uzis and a rocket launcher?"
Six years later, Ubisoft retools the Splinter Cell franchise to downplay a pure stealth approach and give Sam more options for killing guards. While not as bad as Gabe suggests, it still involves removing elements the existing player base enjoyed to increase appeal to those who were not fans before.- Their reaction to Metroid: Other M's initial announcement could be considered this, as general reaction to the finished product was... less than satisfactory.
- Hilarious in Hindsight:
- This strip, which is now accidentally brilliant because it makes perfect sense that anyone with knowledge of the future at the time it was published wouldn't remember that "Revolution" was the codename for the Wii rather than a huge historical event.
- Compare this strip and this actual news article.
"We can categorically state that we [the British military] did not release man-eating badgers into the local area."
- And this infamous strip, whose mockery of the bogus release date for Duke Nukem Forever was funny in 1999 when the game was a year and a half late, but only grew more so as the game grew two years, four years, eight years, nine years, only to loop back around to Hilarious in Hindsight when a demo of the game, now out of development hell, was released at PAX.
- This strip became a lot funnier when a few years later Tycho actually did miss a portion of PAX due to the birth of his child.
- In 2006, they ran a comic where Tycho had a dream in which BioWare received the licence to make a Star Wars MMO. Five years later...
- Seen Here, while discussing Gabriel's supernatural powers to destroy computers
- This is so much funnier when you realize how popular/influential Penny Arcade is now.
- Ho Yay: Often instigated by Gabe, most hilariously subverted here. Played straight here. Played really straight, er, gay here and here, and, in a Call Back to that, here. Not to mention the contents of Gabe's subconscious...and all of this got cranked up in the callback to the Macintosh gag a few years later.
- Memetic Mutation: WHY I AM SO BALD?!
- Thanks to Paul Christoforo's very public name and shame on the website, his face (taken from his Twitter account) quickly got associated with terrible customer service. His horrible emails - both in terms of content and grammar - supplied such memetic gems as 'Son Im 38 I wwebsite as on the internet when you were a sperm in your daddys balls and before it was the internet'.
- In the more traditional sense of a meme, the word "bullshot".
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Go on, you can say it...
- Squick/NauseaFuel: Steve Jobs punches out some guy's organs.
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