< Peacemaker Kurogane
Peacemaker Kurogane/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome - in one of the last episodes of the anime, Tetsunosuke comes out of his Heroic BSOD and basically saves a sickness-incapacitated Okita from Yoshida, and then fights the latter and wins. Granted, Yoshida was already somewhat injured and fatigued while Tetsu was fresh, but given that Yoshida is implied to be one of the strongest samurai in the series at that point, it still counts.
- Ho Yay
- Oh god, where to start? The whole series is like the living incarnation of Ho Yay. Okita and Hijikata, Suzu and Tetsunosuke, Susumu and Tetsunosuke, Tatsunosuke and Tetsunosuke, Suzu and Yoshida, Heisuke and Shinpachi, etc. Most of the Ho Yay appears to be on purpose, however.
- This doesn't actually seem too far off if you consider that homosexual relationships were common during that era, especially with the men from the Shinsengumi. Heck the Japanese even had a term for two male samurai having sex, just look up shudo.
- Moe
- Tetsu really is an adorable little thing. Also, the ever-smiling, childlike Okita Souji (at least until the swords come out). Kogoro Katsura, a politician working against the Shogunate, is depicted in the manga as a small man with large eyes who tends to cry a lot. Ryoma even puts a pair of little dog-ears on him to complete the Moe-factor.
- And Saya.
- Needs More Love
- Unfortunate Implications - Every single outwardly gay character is an Ax Crazy Depraved Homosexual. Most notably Suzu, who was originally a good person when he was straight - however, once he goes crazy, he acts very flamboyant and is shown to be gay whenever Tetsunosuke is concerned.
- Wangst
- The whole series is pretty much compromised of a bunch of pretty samurai crying and confessing to each other their deepest and innermost feelings of sadness. Oh, and killing people.
- Well, except that the terrorists they're fighting kill their friends, are trying to destroy their capital, and yet actually believe in all the same ideals as them. And that Okita's dying of tuberculosis. And that the three executive and Okita had to assassinate their founder because he used his power for racketeering, a mere year before the first part of the series. And the fact that, for them, the penalty for any violation of the Shinsengumi rules or Bushido in general, was ritual suicide. So, no, that they manage to be as cheerful as they are is actually quite impressive.
- Woobie - Tetsunosuke, Suzu, and Okita
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