< Patlabor


Note: Character descriptions sourced from Schaft Enterprises fansite and The Other Wiki's Patlabor 2 article.

Main Characters

Officer Noa Izumi

Born in Tomakomai, Hokkaido in 1978, she is the pilot of the first Ingram in Unit 2 (first forward of Division 2). She loves Labors (to the point of obsession) and nicknames her Ingram "Alphonse" after her deceased pet dog and cat. A dedicated police officer, very easy going and cheerful, she never loses her cool. That is unless somebody damages her beloved Alphonse.

  • Action Girl: Noah is less of a badass out of her labor than in, but she's the only one who can last more than 3 seconds against Takeo in Judo. She lasts 8. And Noah also defeated a criminal who was armed with a knife, using only her bare hands.
  • Ascended Fangirl: She joined the police force in the hopes of piloting a Labor because she'd spent her childhood watching Mecha Anime, even if she knows a Labor is not quite like a Mazinger, a Getter or a mobile suit. Still she got pretty disappointed when she was told that no, a Labor does not fly.
  • Badass Adorable: One of the nicest girls you'll ever meet, so long as you're not a criminal or make the mistake of damaging Alphonse. Seriously, don't.
  • Berserk Button: Damaging her Labor, Alphonse.
  • Bottle Fairy: She doesn't drink often, but when she does, she goes all the way. Comes from being a liquor store owner's daughter.
  • Character Development: Invoked in the second movie, where the tells Asuma that she doesn't want everyone to think of her as just "that girl who loves labors".
  • The Hero: Except in the second and third films, where she's Out of Focus.
  • I Call It Vera: Her beloved Alphonse.
  • Idiot Hair: On occasion.
  • Idiot Hero: She starts out this way, but matures over the course of the series.
  • Otaku Surrogate: For anyone who's into mecha.
  • Platonic Life Partners: With Asuma, though their relationship starts to lean a little more toward being romantic near the end.
  • Plucky Girl: No matter what the task, Noa gives it her all.
  • Redheaded Hero: More auburn brown, but close.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: She's red, Kanuka's blue.
  • Replacement Goldfish: As noted above, her patlabor is actually "Alphonse the Third".
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's the tomboy, Kanuka is the girly girl.

Captain Kiichi Gotō

Gotō is the Captain of Unit 2 and was born in the Taito Ward in Tokyo. Although he may seem very laidback and even apathetic, but is quite a strategist, and knows how to get the best out of his team even if it means tricking them. He has gained the reputation of being very sharp and rumour has it he was purposely sent out to the SVU so he wouldn't cause any trouble. He still manages to do so anyway. Gotō has a crush on Shinobu, which is completely unrequited (poor Gotō...). Gotō is a heavy smoker, has athlete's foot and can often be seen wearing traditional Japanese wooden sandals around the office.

  • A Father to His Men: He can be manipulitive, at times, and his methods are unorthodox, but he always has his division's best interest at heart.
  • Author Avatar: For director Mamoru Oshii in the second movie.
  • Batman Gambit: He is a master of getting people do to what he wants by making them think it's what they want.
    • From the first movie:

Goto has just manipulated Shinohara into putting his career on the line to find something out for him and then stepped in to get him off with 'just' a suspension.

Shinohara: "The only thing I don't get is how the commander found out about it all?"

Gotoh: (deadpan) "Oh, that? I ratted you out, even the not wearing a helmet part."

Shinohara: "Commander!?"

Gotoh: "Look at it this way, now you have enough free time to snoop around for me some more."

Shinobu: (impressed) "That was brave of you to face that Labor the way you did. Weren't you scared?"
Gotoh: (deadpan) "No. Sakaki told me it was harmless."
Shinobi: (disillusioned) "Wha- So THAT'S why you were acting so bravely?"
Gotoh: (deadpan) "Pretty much."
Shinobu: (annoyed) "So what'll your adoring fans say, when they find out?"

*Gotoh shrugs nonchalantly*

Asuma, Noa, Kanuka, Otah, Shinshi, and Hiromi: *listening outside the door* "That cheater!"

Officer Asuma Shinohara

Asuma was born in Maebashi in Gunma Prefecture and is 21 years old at the start of the series. Asuma is the son of the owner of Shinohara Heavy Industries, the makers of the Ingram. So why is he a public servant? Apparently his father forced him into being one. A member of Unit 2, he provides backup[1] for Noa's Ingram and is her partner. He can be quite short tempered and sometimes gives the impression he would rather be somewhere else. Still he is quite a competent police officer.

Officer Isao Ōtah

Ōtah is the 2nd forward of Division 2. He was born in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture and is 26 at the beginning of the series. He is a complete gun maniac and will almost always try to use force over all other options when solving a dispute. Though he is reckless and violent, he is an integral part of the team, and actually manages to end situations quicker than Noa.

Lieutenant Kanuka Clancy

Kanuka is a Police Officer on loan from the New York Police Department and was born in Oahu, Hawaii. She is 21 at the beginning of the series. She is half Japanese-American. She is a competent officer who does everything by the book and is often disgusted by the tactics used by the SVU. In Division 2 she acts as Ōta's backup. Though among the SVU there is a rumour that the NYPD sent her to them because she was a problem officer.

  • The Ace: Blackbelt in Judo, expert Labor pilot, and in disarming bombs, graduated with honors from MIT, you get the idea.
  • Action Girl: As much as Noa.
  • All There in the Manual: According to a booklet in a DVD box set, her father was a millionaire.
  • Brother Chuck: She disappears without comment in the second and third movies. Some fans assume she died at the climax of the first film, but she probably just returned to the NYPD.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Her grandmother was a Japanese immigrant.
  • Fair Cop: All of the SVU's members are at least not ugly, but Kanuka is downright beautiful.
  • Lady of War: Both in and out of her mecha. She's a crack shot and master of both judo and kendo.
    • Kanuka's combat skills, in and out of her labor are awe inspiring. The woman took down a courtyard of Yakuza, with a wooden sword while clad in a kimono. And, in the first film, Gotoh specifically called her in to assist SV.2 with the raid on the Ark.

Customs Agent: "Are you here to see the sights?"
Kanuka: "No. Combat."

  • Mukokuseki: Notably averted. It's ironic that the show's only American also looks the most stereotypically Asian (though she is at least half-Japanese).
  • Not So Above It All: Kanuka's disciplined and takes pride in herself as an officer, but she can be just as juvenile as the rest of the squad, depending on the circumstances.
  • Officer O'Hara: ...well, she's a cop with an Irish surname who drinks heavily, but that's about as far as it goes.
  • Put on a Bus: She returns to New York about halfway through the TV series.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: She's blue, Noa's red.
  • The Rival: She develops an intense but friendly rivalry with Kumagami when she comes back to visit the SVU.
  • The Sixth Ranger
  • Tall Dark and Bishojo: To call Kanuka stunning would be putting it mildly.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's the girly girl, Noa's the tomboy.

Officer Mikiyasu Shinshi

Shinshi is the driver for the second carrier. He was born Fujieda, Shizuoka Prefecture and is 29 at the start of the series. He was originally Ōta's backup until Kanuka replaced him. He is a quite introverted man, but can become surprisingly violent if provoked enough. He is also the rather henpecked husband of Tamiko, who is rather possessive of him. Shinshi is the only married member of the team.

  • A Day in the Limelight: He really only gets one episode where he's the focus, when a business takes note of his computer skills and tries to lure him away from the SVU.
  • Berserk Button: DO NOT insult his wife. Or the institution of Marriage.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Shinshi seems to have... "issues".

Shinshi: (with shining glasses and Slasher Smile) *whispering* "Cut, and cut, and cut, and cut..."

  • Happily Married: His wife gives him a really hard time, but at the end of the day, they truly love each other.
  • Henpecked Husband: He is well and truly whipped. But he's deeply in love with Tamiko all the same.
  • Nerd Glasses: It sort of defines his character.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: When his glasses start to shine, run.
  • The Smart Guy: He's a wiz with computers, he was even offered a management position at a high profile computer company.
  • Those Two Guys: Since their job is to just drive the patlabors to crime scenes, he and Hiromi are often relegated to the sidelines.

Officer Hiromi Yamazaki

Hiromi is the quiet giant amongst the members of the SVU, in fact the tallest member of the team, at two metres tall. He was born on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture and is 23 at the start of the series. Even though he looks rather intimidating, he is quite gentle and hardly ever speaks. He tends the tomatoes in the greenhouse and looks after the henhouse at the SVU in his spare time. These duties actually provide a substantial amount food for the officers. His main duty in Division 2 is driving the first Labor carrier.

  • The Chick: Despite being male, he's the most domestic member of the SVU and is there mostly for emotional support (and gardening, and driving the labors in a truck) than anything else.
  • Gentle Giant: There are two reasons why Hiromi wasn't selected to pilot a labor--he's too gentle to actually attack the enemy, and he doesn't fit in the cockpit.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He loves gardening and cooking.
  • Those Two Guys: With Shinshi.

Captain Shinobu Nagumo

Shinobu is the Captain of Division 1 and was born in in Setagaya Ward in Tokyo. She is a professional, competent police officer. Basically the exact opposite of Captain Gotoh. She always keeps her mind on the job and never loses her cool. Often she talks back to her superiors when she disagrees with an order, and this is probably why she remains at the SVU rather being promoted to another job more worthy of her skills. She is often slightly jealous of Division 2's successes and the equipment they get, but she never really lets on.

Chief Seitarō Sakaki

Sakaki is the head mechanic of the SVU. His training was was in mechanics, and he doesn't really understand the electronics and computers in the Labors. Even though he's only the head mechanic he only seems to order a lot of the other staff around, including members of Division 2, and not do any of the "grunt" work. A very respected member of the SVU (though some would say feared rather than respected).

Chief Shigeo "Shige" Shiba

Shigeo or just plain Shige, is second in command of the mechanics at the SVU. He is a man that is truly dedicated to his work, though sometimes he can go overboard. He is a proud member of the SVU, and makes sure the Labors work perfectly. He takes over from Sakaki when he retires.

  • Hot-Blooded: To a point that it interferes with his job. Hot blood seems to be a trait common to the whole mechanic team, in fact.
  • Large Ham: Unlike Ōtah, he's not "on" all the time, but when he is, he doesn't go halfway.
  • Zany Scheme: He's usually in on them.

Lieutenant Takeo Kumagami

Kumagami is Ōtah's backup. She is Kanuka's replacement after she returns to New York. She was top of her class, and is an exceptional police officer. She was courted by several police agencies, but eventually chose the SVU because of the challenge. Kumagami seems to be very level headed and nothing seems to faze her, though the antics of her workmates sometimes annoys her. Kumagami has an irrational fear of the supernatural, especially ghosts as her father was interested in the topic and she heard many ghost stories when she was a child.

  • Action Girl
  • Bifauxnen: Kumagami is short, has a boyish haircut, and looks rather tomboyish (but still feminine). She's also an expert at judo.
  • Fainting: She's calm and composed in most cases, but her fear of ghosts and especially rats will make her check out on you.
  • Not So Stoic: When she's frightened, which thankfully isn't often. But when it comes to ghosts or rats, yeah.
  • Old Flame Fizzle: Would you believe she once had a thing with Richard Wong?
  • Replacement Sixth Ranger: In her debut episode, she has trouble fitting in because her teammates couldn't believe anyone with her credentials would willingly sign up for duty with the SVU.
  • The Rival: To Kanuka when they briefly meet.
  • Why Did it Have To Be Ghosts?: One of the few things she's afraid of. When Gotoh jokes that there's a ghost behind her, she has a fullblown panic attack that makes her seem so vunerable, that it's actually cute. Noa even lampshades it.

Asuma: (dull surprise) "Hn. Who knew?"
Noa: (blinks stunned) "Cute."

Supporting Characters

Detective Takahiro Matsui

A detective with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, Matsui once asked Gotōh for his help in strange case, but now is often called upon by Captain Gotōh for help on crimes which involve specialist investigation.

Tamiko Shinshi

Tamiko is the overbearing but loving wife of Mikiyasu Shinshi. She seems like the perfect housewife, but under her sweetness and light persona she can be a she-demon. Somewhat possessive of her husband, she can turn frighteningly mean if she thinks he has been hard done by. Strangely Tamiko and Mikiyasu seem made for each other.

Lieutenant Tsutomu Gomioka

Gomika Tustomo is the first forward in Division 1 of the SVU. He is an incredibly competent officer and Labor pilot. At the end of the series he becomes captain of the newly-formed Division 3.


Jitsuyama is head of the Shinohara Labor factory. His career in mechanics began when he started a business up with Asuma's father. To Asuma he is kind of like a substitute father and he often comes to him when he needs advice concerning Labors.

Momoko Sakurayama

Momoko Sakurayama is a tabloid television journalist who always seems to be there at the right time to get that scoop. After following the SVU to get several scoops, she later helps them in their Griffin Labor case.

  • Hot Scoop: If there's trouble and it's news, she'll be there in the middle of it. Not surprisingly, this almost gets her killed. See directly below.
  • Large Ham: Seen during her farewell speech to her devoted fans when she thought she was going to be crushed to death by a Labor. The pilot was a disgruntled patient who thought he was terminally ill.
  • Intrepid Reporter: She makes April O'Neil look timid.

Shigeki Arakawa

An intelligence officer assigned with the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force chief of staff's office assisting Gotōh and Shinobu in locating and apprehending the terrorist Yukihito Tsuge into custody. Arakawa assists the SVU by providing pictures of Tsuge's assets via American military spy satellites and secretly meeting up with Gotōh to pass on him intelligence obtained on Tsuge, earning Shinobu's ire due to her suspicions about him and his intentions.


Utsumi / Richard Wong

A very mysterious man who works at Schaft Japan. He is in charge of the Griffin project. He seems to smile all the time and gives off the impression he's happy-go-lucky, but in fact he is very calculating, eccentric and cunning, and will stop at nothing to get the desired result. Utsumi is an alias. His real name is Richard Wong and he is from Hong Kong division of Schaft.

  • Adult Child: A mild mannered version, but it shows in some of the stunts he pulls; like the Troll entry below.
  • Apologetic Attacker: Right as he lays out a guard with a flying roundhouse kick!

Wong: (apologetic) "Sumi-ma- (punctuates last syllable with kick) SEN!!"

  • Chessmaster: He even manages to get one over on Gotoh.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Except for when it's important.
  • Friendly Enemy: He acts this way at least. If nothing else, he's very polite and considerate for a villain. He even took offense when one of his associates shot Kumagami.
  • Karma Houdini: After all the trouble he causes for SV.2 and his company, Schaft gives him his old job back 'cuz they need him.
  • Laughably Evil: It's really hard to believe this guy's a villain sometimes, given his antics.
  • Old Flame Fizzle: In The New Case Files, it's revealed that he and Kumagami were an item. It doesn't work out, as seen in the Troll entry below.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: It doesn't have the usual effect, in his case. It's just there to remind you that he's the bad guy.
  • Troll: Toward his boss at Schaft and his ex: Kumagami! When she confronts him in The New Case Files, he tells her he intends to turn himself in, allegedly because of his feelings for her. It was a lie, naturally. The moment she drops her guard, he scoops her up and literally dumps her... in a laundry basket, then makes his escape!
  • Undying Loyalty: Wong absolutely refused to abandon Bado, even at the insistence of his partner, Kurosaki; despite jeopardising his own chances at escape.
    • Finally subverted in The New Case Files, where after repeat attempts to reason with Bado, he cuts his losses and bails on him.


Kurosaki is head of the Phantom labor project, and later second in command of the Griffin project. He seems to be a rather cold man and like Wong will do what ever it takes to get the result he wants.

  • Jerkass: A stark contrast to his partner, Richard Wong.
  • Obviously Evil: Seriously, with all the evil smirks, smuggness, and the light always glinting off his glasses just so, he might as well wear a tag that says: "Hi, I'm evil."
  • Smug Snake: See the preceding entry directly above.

Badrinath Harchand / Bado (Bud) Renard

Bado is a very young Indian boy (about 12 years old) who is the pilot of the experimental Griffin Labor. A very competitive young man, his main aim seems to be beating Noa and her Patlabor rather than actually testing the Griffin. He can be very short tempered, and thinks his work for Schaft is just a game rather than actual work.

  • Bratty Half-Pint: He behaves this way when he's bored or doesn't get what he wants. Otherwise, he's really not that bad.
  • Expy: He looks like Nadia with longer hair.
  • Kid Looks Like a Girl: Exactly what it says. Bado can easily pass for a girl even without a disguise. Wong even uses this to their advantage when he and Bado make their escape at the end of the Griffon Arc.
  • Improbable Age: The kid's an ace Labor pilot at age 12.
  • Pride Before a Fall: Bado refused to back down or listen to reason, despite being out-numbered and low on power, all because he didn't want to give Noa the satisfaction of making him withdraw a second time. She invokes her 'Big Sister' rights and put's him in his place, by body slamming him and his Humongous Mecha on the tarmac!
  • The Dragon: To Richard Wong.
  • Worthy Opponent: Bado eventually comes think of Noa this way.
  • Undying Loyalty: Bado may complain about alot of things, but he knows that, when it comes down to it, Wong's got his back. So he gives him the same in return.
    • Finally subverted in The New Case Files, where Wong cuts his losses and ditches Bado, who refused to withdraw from his rematch with Noa.

Eichi Hoba

A software programmer who worked for Shinohara Heavy Industries, Hoba designed a revolutionary new operating system that was quickly implemented in almost every labor the Tokyo. After completing his work, Hoba commits suicide, and shortly later it becomes apparent that his new OS contains a virus that causes labors to go berserk--which due to their ubiquity, threatens the entire Tokyo metropolitan area.

  • As the Good Book Says...: He leaves numerous biblical quotes for the investigators to find, and his name ("E. Hoba") is the Japanese pronunciation of "Jehova".
  • Evil Genius: So much so, that it took three other geniuses combined (Gotoh, Asuma, and Shige) to stop his plans from succeeding.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Right before taking a swandive from atop the Ark.
  • My Death Is Only the Beginning
  • Never Found the Body: But guess what? He really is dead.
  • Posthumous Character
  • Secret Test of Character: Speculated by some fans. He attached his employee badge to his pet raven to set of a Never Found the Body-paranoia, and give his pursuers a Secret Test of Character. Division 2 is only able to prevent the destruction of Tokyo because they decide to try and save Hoba when they think he's alive. They wouldn't have made it to the backup-system in time if they had decided to collapse the Ark with him still in it.
  • Thanatos Gambit
  • Xanatos Gambit: If the police don't stop his plan, then labors (including those in nuclear plants and underground construction sites) run amok and kill thousands. If they do stop it, then the Babylon Project is crippled[2]. Either way, he wins.

Yukihito Tsuge

An ex-JGSDF lieutenant colonel who went missing after his UN Labor platoon was attacked by armed guerrillas in the Southeast Asian forests, Tsuge changed his brown hair to white and plotted terrorist activities in the Greater Tokyo Area under the assumption of a revolt from the ranks of the Self-Defense Forces. His main motive was for the people to see the reality that he had gone through during his UN peacekeeping tour. He has a history with Shinobu.

  1. really more like field command, issuing directions from the ground
  2. ...until the next movie
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