< Patch Adams

Patch Adams/YMMV

  • Creator Backlash: The real Patch Adams absolutely despised the film, accusing it of Flanderizing him into a clown.
  • Critical Dissonance: There appears to be an incredible amount of hate directed towards this movie, but it was a financial success.
  • Critical Research Failure: During his Smite Me, O Mighty Smiter! moment, Patch tells Truman that man is the only animal who kills its own kind. The praying mantis, black widow spider, betta fish, chimpanzee, dolphin, lion, rabbit, etc. would all like a word with you, Mr. Adams.
  • Designated Hero: Besides acting like a general Jerkass to his schoolmates in an attempt to make them laugh, Patch also does several extremely ethically questionable actions, like stealing drugs from a hospital and practicing without a license. Nobody seems to call him out on either of these counts, even when it ends up killing two people.
    • And somehow the fact that he should be in jail for the above actions is never commented on.
    • The Nostalgia Critic's review of this movie has him comment that if Patch wants to make people feel better with humour so badly, why doesn't he just become a clown?
  • Dude, Not Funny: At one point in the mental hospital, Patch gets a laugh by putting words in the mouth of "Beanie," a catatonic schizophrenic. Keep in mind that in real life, catatonic schizophrenics are very aware of what's going on around them during their catatonic episodes, even though they're powerless to respond, and are frequently upset by people doing things exactly like that, and watch that scene again. Ouch.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Remember when Patch asks what happens when a doctor becomes emotionally involved with a patient and sarcastically thinks they might explode? Well, if you count bullets blowing up the head of your fictional dead girlfriend, yes, they fucking do.
    • What makes this worse is that the killer's mental instability could have been detected had Adams run a background check. Like a doctor is supposed to do.
  • Glurge
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: You know, the government should pay for health insurance.
  • Jerk Sue: Arguably Patch himself.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: The villains argue that doctors should act professionally. Not exactly a bad thing.
    • Patch's point is that professionalism should not supercede humanity. He's criticizing the medical profession's tendency to distance themselves from their patients, to the disservice of the patient's mental well-being. He's not necessarily wrong, it's just that he tends to go too far in the other direction.
    • It's important to consider the doctor's mental well-being. Getting too attached to patients and then watching helplessly as they die can really put a person out of sorts. It's why they try to be more distant in the first place.
    • It doesn't help when Patch does things like mock the concept of women's health, then decides that those who aren't laughing just lack a sense of humor. (Or maybe they just, you know, don't like obnoxious guys?)
    • Another thing is a scene where Patch wonders why a doctor shouldn't get emotionally involved with their patients, when later in the film a doctor is killed by a psychotic patient that she had gotten too emotionally involved with!
    • At one point, Patch's roommate accuses him of cheating. Considering Patch has spent the entire movie goofing off and not studying at any point, yet also getting the highest scores of his class, that really could've used an actual counterargument, instead of just treating him as wrong.
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