Party of None
"Can grimdark actually be a little funny and not depend on gore and blood?"—Description of the fanfic
So Pinkie Pie has been rejected by her friends for Gummy the Alligator's after-birthday party, and isn't taking it too well. She holds a party with inanimate objects, smiting her friends, when Rainbow Dash visits to invite Pinkie to Sweet Apple Acres. And when Pinkie refuses, Rainbow Dash will just strong-arm her into going, and everything will be resolved once she gets there. Just like in Canon, right?
However, Rainbow Dash lets her guard down for a split second, before finding herself in the mercy of a deranged Pinkie Pie. Tied up with streamers and gagged with a caramel apple, she discovers some nasty truths about Pinkie Pie during her "party," including the fact that the inanimate objects are supposed to be her friends, and are being ripped apart by Pinkie just like what's about to happen to Rainbow Dash! What was assumed to be a short struggle has turned into a life-or-death situation, as Rainbow Dash needs to use both her wits and speed to escape Pinkie's grasp. Reason is not an option.
A collaborative effort between Sparkler and Quill, Party of None explores the alternative to what could have happened in episode "Party of One." It's written with Cupcakes in mind, as it takes special care to avoid any extreme violence.
The story can be found here.
- Alternate Ending: To "Party of One."
- Axe Crazy: Pinkie Pie
- Bittersweet Ending: No one is killed or even seriously harmed during the course of the story, but Rainbow Dash has not left mentally unfazed. Also, her hair is ruined.
- Black Comedy: As with the episode this fic is based on, Pinkie Pie’s Sanity Slippage is Played for Laughs, only now it’s turned Up to Eleven.
- Bloodier and Gorier: Inverted from other Dark Fics.
- Bound and Gagged/Unwilling Suspension
- Butt Monkey: Rainbow Dash, as expected.
- Cerebus Retcon: The bobbing-for-apples tank makes a return from the beginning of “Party of One,” this time used as a waterboarding device for Rainbow Dash, complete with Gummy attempting to suffocate Dash the same way he latched on her face before.
- Also, the ending from the original episode is reused to twist the knife in further, as Pinkie appears oblivious to the fact that she just attempted to kill Rainbow Dash, and even asks why she just didn't tell her in the first place.
- Completely Missing the Point
Rainbow Dash: "Good thing I won't leave you, right Pinkie? Right?"
Pinkie Pie: "Oh, I know you won't leave, silly! You're all tied up!"
- Cute and Psycho: Pinkie Pie and later Rainbow Dash.
- Cycle of Revenge
- Dark Fic
- Deconstruction Fic: The story is based on the logic of Dark Fics applied to the actual Canon of "Party of One."
- Diabolus Ex Machina: Subverted; when Rainbow Dash slips on a slice of cake while running away from Pinkie Pie, the latter slips on the same slice, letting loose the grip of her knife and cutting Rainbow Dash’s wings free.
- Gorn: Completely averted.
- He Who Fights Monsters: Despite her best efforts to defy this trope, this happens to Rainbow Dash once she gets a hold of the knife.
- Insane Equals Violent
- Mind Rape: Pinkie inadvertently uses the mundane variety on Rainbow Dash.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Averted; Pinkie brushes the entire thing off once she returns to normal.
- Nothing Is Scarier: In-Universe example of the third variety, it's revealed that Pinkie Pie has been spying on Rainbow Dash months prior, confirming her suspicion that she was being watched.
- Psychological Horror
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech
"So, Pinkie Pie," Rainbow Dash growled through the knife, "I came over to invite you to a surprise party for you! For your OWN BIRTHDAY which you forgot all about, and THIS is the thanks I get? Well, GUESS WHAT?! I've got a little PRESENT of my OWN for you, Pinkie Pie... meet my friend Mr. Stabby!"
- Reconstruction: Of both Cupcakes and Dark Fics as a whole. Yes, it's completely possible for grimdark to not use any gore and blood, and still be pants-shittingly terrifying.
- Sequel Hook
- Shout-Out: A reference to Cupcakes is made when Rainbow Dash is hesitant to accept a cake from Pinkie Pie, fearing it may have been drugged or poisoned. It’s safe, but Pinkie thinks it’s her worst batch ever.
- Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism: In contrast to Canon, very cynical. Case in point: it takes a knife to the throat to finally convince Pinkie to snap out of her Heroic BSOD.
- Split Personality: Pinkie shows signs of this in her unstable state.
- Spiritual Antithesis: To Cupcakes.
- Stalker Without a Crush: Pinkie Pie was revealed to be this to Rainbow Dash, long before she was ever rejected.
- Subverted Trope: The situation looks as if it's going to descend into Cupcakes-level carnage, yet it never does.
- Traumatic Haircut
- Vasquez Always Dies: Subverted, although she does become insane.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Rainbow Dash to Pinkie Pie, repeatedly.
- Why Didn't You Just Say So?: Asked by Pinkie Pie at the end for some extra cruel Irony.