< Parasite Eve (video game)
Parasite Eve (video game)/YMMV
- Adaptation Displacement: You mean there was a movie? And - gasp - a book?
- It probably didn't help that those two either didn't make it outside of Japan or if they did, weren't around for long. The novel was actually not published in English until 2007, and even then it's rather rare in a lot of North America.
- To be precise, the game is written to function as a standalone sequel. Maeda makes a few mentions to a similar incident in Japan happening before, which is referring to the events of the book and movie.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Primal Eyes, full stop. Also, Kyrie.
- First Installment Wins: The first game is still generally regarded as the best of the series.
- Game Breaker: The Super Toolkit available in New Game+ (aka "EX Mode"), although the upgrades are still limited by the attribute "donor" items and the upgrade capacity of the target. And whether you collected all of the Rare Trading Cards for it; miss a few, and you'll be awarded a lesser version that destroys donor items.
- You play your cards right, you can put together a pretty cheesed up weapon on your first playthrough. How about a handgun that fires two salvos of flaming shotgun rounds? Yes please!
- In an LP, the player managed to put together a gun that fired grenades full of acid and liquid nitrogen in shotgun spray.
- Upgrading a gun's ammo capacity and range to high enough levels can let you attack monsters from any spot on the battlefield (unless they fly/dig off screen) and never having to reload.
- Adding the shotgun effect to regular rifles or handguns makes the things effectively fire flechettes for full effect in a cone, neatly breaking the rate of fire problem noted in Awesome but Impractical.
- Guns that have the "Enter 2 (or 3) Commands" effect can offset the rate of fire problem described above, allowing you to shoot multiple times but have the attack power be based on a single bullet per shot instead.
- Even moreso, you can and do use a Power as a command, meaning that that mod can have you fire off multiple powers, possibly mixed with gunfire.
- Powering up your armor enough can let you be completely immune to damage from almost every enemy attack, and you will need it when tackling the higher levels of the Chrysler Building.
- You can also modify your armor to make you immune to every single status ailment in the entire game, with the exception of Defense Down.
- Most Annoying Sound: The crunching noise weapons with frost effect make.
- No Problem with Licensed Games: Technically, Parasite Eve is a licensed game - most people actually didn't know it was one (see Adaptation Displacement above).
- Paranoia Fuel: You have mitochondria in every cell in your body. They're the chemical engines of life, and without them, you'd die in minutes. And they're of such alien origin that they even have their own DNA, rather than being coded in the nuclear genome that describes every other aspect of your phenotype. What if one day they decide they hate you, and they should revolt?
- Signature Song: "Primal Eyes", with "Kyrie" in second place.
- Squick:
- Beat the game, then think about that shower scene. Technically, Eve's still VERY much underage, and even with clone genetics being what they are, she still doesn't quite look legal...
- Hans provided scientifically altered sperm to Eve. How he donated it is the question...
- Visual Effects of Awesome: The graphics during the mutations were really ahead of their time, and still hold up today.
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