Papi Nyang
Papi Nyang The Cat Prison Break is an ongoing Korean Webtoon by Guava, about a young cat named Chev who wants to escape from his prison. This story runs along side the tales of a family of stray cats trying to survive. Once Chev escapes from his jail and meets up with the strays, he learns the outside world is all that he imagined.
Originally in Korean found here and an English translation can be found here.
See Nineteen, Twenty-One for another cat-related Korean Webtoon.
Tropes used in Papi Nyang include:
- Animal Talk: All of the cats can understand each other.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Chev suffers fr- SNOW!
- Cats Hate Water: Chev refuses to run away when it's raining because he hates water.
- Crazy Cat Lady: The nameless jailer is turning into one of these.
- Cute Kitten: Socks.
- Dead Hand Shot: After the cat who helps Chev dies, we see his injured leg.
- Dead Little Sister: Chev's two brothers died while waiting to be adopted. He was the last.
- Gory Discretion Shot: All that's seen when the old cat who helps Chev dies is a lot of blood splatter.
- Averted during the cat fights.
- Kids Are Cruel: The boys who throw rocks at Chev. Though there is the nice girl that tries to feed him.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover
- Look Both Ways: The nameless old cat who looked after Chev gets killed by several cars when talking to Chev.
- Mismatched Eyes: Chev (pictured above) has one green/blue and one yellow eye.
- Parental Substitute: The Jailer thinks the mother cat is this to Socks, without knowing that the mother cat is actually Sock's mum and they've been looking for each other.
- Really Dead Montage
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: All of the cats.
- Slice of Life: It starts off this way.
- Snow Means Death: Implied when King Joe collapses in chapter 23.
- Tropey Come Home: After Chev and Socks escapes, the jailer goes around trying to find him again. They eventually do.
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