< Paperinik New Adventures
Paperinik New Adventures/Characters
For Paperinik himself, check Donald Duck in Disney Ducks Comic Universe.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Genius Loci: The Ducklair Tower is, for all purposes and intents, Uno's body.
- Good Is Not Dumb: He is,after all,one of the smartest characters of the comic.
- Huge Holographic Head: He uses it for Paperinik to feel comfortable when talking to him.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- Voice with an Internet Connection
"There doesn't exist a universe as big as a remorse."
- Action Bomb
- Affectionate Nickname: Paperinik usually calls her "Pretty Eyes" ("Occhi Belli" in italian).
- Anti-Hero: Type IV
- The Atoner: to an extent
- The Berserker
- Blood Knight
- Burning with Anger: literally.
- The Chessmaster: She did it just once, right before her Heroic Sacrifice. The result was a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- The Dreaded: Evronians see her as such.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Xadhoom is Xerbian for 'creditor', and the Evronians owe her her homeworld and entire race (when told about the meaning of her name, PK admits that it explained everything, given his issues with creditors...). Notable because she acts like a creditor 'till the end, ceasing her hunt for every Evronians after blowing up their mobile homeworld with their Emperor, the Imperial Senate and many of their best and brightest generals and scientists on it and saving the survivors of her people.
- It goes even beyond that point. after her Heroic Sacrifice, Paperinik tells the Xerbians to name their new sun "Xadhoom" because, just like with creditors, they owe her too much.
- Genius Bruiser: since Xerbia is a Planet of Hats where everybody is a kind of scientist.
- Heroic Sacrifice: she become a sun to allow her people to survive.
- Lady of War: As in "Lady who could single-handely win a war.
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Phisycal Godness: she may be the most powerful being of the universe.
- Playing with Fire: more like Playing With Matter/Energy, but the effects of her attacks are practically the same.
- Superpower Meltdown: If Xadhoom loses control, she turns into a supernova. No, really.
- Tsundere: Xadhoom is a type A for Pikappa. Not in a romantic way...probably.
- Tranquil Fury: It's not apparent due the fact she's always killing Evronians in the most painful way she knows while thinking how to make their deaths more humiliating, but then a short story showed her allowing a tiny bit of hatred and rage flow free for a single istant, and kill by indigestion an Evronian cyborg capable to harness the energy of the emotions of everyone in the area. That's how we know she's in Tranquil Fury, that and the fact she ever went in Unstoppable Rage for a single instant she'd become a nova and destroy a solar system.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Paperinik and Xadhoom are a type 1, with Xadhoom as the offender.However,this is already a good thing,considering she seems always angry at the rest of the universe.
Lyla Lay
- Action Girl
- Dude Magnet
- Ms. Fanservice
- Platonic Life Partners: With Donald
- Robot Girl
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: Occurs every time Lyla doesn't agree with her superiors' policy.
- Time Police
Angus Fangus
- Big Brother Instinct: toward his sister Zeryl.
- The Big Guy
- Gentle Giant
- Fish Out of Water
- Like a Fish Takes to Water: despite his nostalgy for his home, he learns pretty quickly how things work (and he even gets a job) while trapped in our dimension, though.
Everett Ducklair
- All Monks Know Kung Fu: he retired in a monastery to find again the "best part of him".Here he also learned martial arts.
- Benevolent Alien Invasion: well,more like an escape...
- Fiction500
- Human Alien: or at least duck alien
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: he built Uno just to have someone smart enough to talk to.
- Mad Scientist: but not of his choice.
- Psychic Power: like everybody on his planet.
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder: what caused him to built so many superweapons.
- Super Intelligence: he makes Gyro Gearloose seems an amateur.
Mary Ann Flagstarr
- Action Girl
- Ambiguously Brown
- Cool Shades
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: the responsible to Ziggy's foolish.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Spy Catsuit: she wears one in #35.
- The Commissioner Gordon
- Emotion Eater
- Enemy Civil War: taken to extreme levels in #30 Phase Two when, thanks to Due's ( and later Uno's antics, everyone starts to suspect of everyone and tries to dethronize everyone.
- Our Vampires Are Different: they are born from spores, for starts...
- Planet Looters
An Evronian scientist who appeared three times in the PKNA series, besides alternate continuities and the PK videogame.
- A God Am I: After getting Xadhoom's power. Sadly, he doesn't know how to survive such power.
- Evil Genius
The Raider
- Ambiguously Brown
- Badass Cape: and he sews it himself!
- Evil Redhead / Fiery Redhead
- Hurricane of Puns: time-related puns.
- Mismatched Eyes
- Only in It For the Money: and he has no problems stating it.
- Papa Wolf: he might have some disagreement with his son Trip, but in the Raider's list of important things the safety of the boy comes before EVERYTHING.
- Punch Clock Villain: The Raider is constantly portrayed as a sympathetic, honourable Anti-Villain, who works for The Organization only because he has a son to feed. Near the end of the series, when Time Travel stops working, he betrays The Organization in exchange for a hefty sum of money because, in his own words, "With Time Travel gone, it's time to think about retirement."
- Reset Button: as a time traveler, he often uses his devices to rewind the time and change some historical events. And in one particular occasion, he even resets his own death!
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot
- Evil Redhead: literally.
- Evil Twin: to Uno
- Huge Holographic Head
- Manipulative Bastard: issue 30 really shows this.
- Mismatched Eyes
- No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup: Everett Ducklayr created him specifically to avert this. Unfortunatly, he didn't realize Tropes Are Not Bad.
- Take Over the World
- The Unfavorite: how he feels in regard of Uno.
"I hate you because you give body and soul to dreams."
- Genius Bruiser: the best scientist of the Evron Empire,and he has Super Strength.
- Humanity Is Infectious: by studing our culture, he develops individualism, which is a big "no-no" between his race.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: in the Ultimate-like remake, he realizes that destroying everything is pointless. Even though he tries to justify it via Pragmatic Villany (read: "Since living beings can recover from coolflamization, why don't we reap them periodically instead of destroying their worlds?". It's implied it will backfire on him and/or will bring the Empire to its knees via civil war.
- Not So Different: while he admits him and Paperinik are nothing alike,he thinks that of their races.
"Didn't you study your history? The only difference is that we finish our wars much faster!"
- Wicked Cultured: become this by studing humans culture. It backfires on him.
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