< Paper Mario (franchise)

Paper Mario (franchise)/WMG

Grodus is a powerful summoner.

  • This would explain why he thought he could get away with controlling the Shadow Queen, he was used to controlling things stronger than himself. She just happened to be FAR stronger than he anticipated. Oh, and he didn't summon anything bigger than his Xs when facing Mario because 1) he underestimated the plumber and 2) if he called anything else he'd risk collapsing the Palace of Shadow.

The X-Naut Fortress used to be a spaceship, and landed on the Moon to avoid the conflict on the planet below.

  • The X-nauts were probably looking for a new home and intending to land close to the Mushroom Kingdom, but then Grodus got a good look at the place via orbital scans. Princesses getting kidnapped? Magic users on par with him? Plumbers stomping on every baddie in sight? Of course he'd decide the moon was a better place to prepare for a full invasion.
    • At least he had more foresight than the Shroobs...

The Shadow Queen is the same species as the shadow sirens.

  • They have the same basic design.
  • Further supported by the fact that Queen Jaydes, mistress of The Underwhere (the Marioverse's Hell) follows along a similar design track, thus implying that the Shadow Queen is just one of the Underwhere's less scrupulous entities.
    • Isn't this pretty much canon? The Shadow Sirens seemed to be sent out to make sure the Thousand Year Door was opened one way or another. (that's Beldam in the opening cutscene giving the map to Peach, btw)

Count Blumiere and Timpani are in the Mushroom Kngdom

  • After their marriage they end up in a place with 'regular' (as close to it gets, anyway) looking trees and such. In the context of SPM there is only one place that looks like this, the Mushroom Kingdom.

Flavio is a Time Lord.

  • After losing his precious heirloom at Keelhaul Key, he's going to go back to Keelhaul Key to steal it back from Cortez. Paper Mario 3DS will have a Flavio storyline following said plot after you beat Mario's.

Ms. Mowz is the wife of Rowf, the badge shop owner from the first game.

  • Someone in the original Paper Mario mentions that Rowf's wife used to sell badges with him. Ms. Mowz in the sequel is a badge thief/salesmouse, and their names are somewhat similar.
    • Probably ex-wife then.

Dimentio is Phanto.

  • Similar sounding names? Faces look alike? Both inspire Nightmare Fuel? Do you see where I'm going with this?

Mimi is a Homonculus.

  • Those aren't rubees...She was a Homonculus who could shapeshift (a prototype of Envy?). And her true form is a monster, who spits red stones...

Mimi is a Spy.

Wut? The disguising? The smoke effect when she does? The tricking you into Stupidity Is the Only Option? Boys, it's a spah!
Mimi probably somehow got a Spy's disguise kit (or a Your Eternal Reward) and uses it all the friken time. My guess is she (somehow, for some reason) lived in the world where TF2 takes place and her 'father' (if she had one) taught her how to use the disguise kit, making her the first (or second) female Spy, which explains why she uses the tricks an experienced Spy would use. She probably also has the Invisibility Watch and uses it when she chases you in Chapter 2-4. I mean, she suddenly appears when you stay somewhere too long (the Invisibility Watch works for a short time and has to reload each time you turn visible). The explosion in 2-3? Dead Ringer.

The four legendary heroes of black chest fame are cursed to be incarnations of the fourth wall.

  • When they are released, what do they do? They specifically cover the front of the screen, serving as a wall that blocks off everything except for Mario himself. In addition, they are the only characters who know that everyone is paper-thin, and how to use this knowledge to your advantage. Now, are they truly forced to keep up bad publicity, or is their "evil" nature a side effect of knowing too much?

Dimentio is responsible for Count Bleck

  • Tippi somehow recognizes Dimentio when seeing him in Chapter 1. Dimentio was the assassin Blumiere's father sent after Timpani all that time ago. It's also sort of implied that Dimentio wrote the Dark Prognosticus.

The Chaos Heart wasn't destroyed!

  • As it was never established what the Pure Hearts do, this is plausible. The Pure Hearts only suppressed the Chaos Heart.
    • If so, when it was suppressed, it went straight to the only suitable host: Luigi.

The name requirement for the Twilight Town Warp Pipe was made because of Doopliss

  • Perhaps Doopliss was banished to the region to prevent him from spreading his sick pranks further across the land. Think about it...a demon who keeps his name secret for his most potent magic to work wouldn't write it down on himself, therefore Doopliss would never be able to use the Warp Pipe to leave. of course, once Mario exposed his name to get his identity back, Doopliss could freely write his name down and flee Twilight Town, and consequently he appears in later chapters.

Merlon's mustache is his arms.

  • Look at Merlon's mustache. Those little circles at the bottom look suspiciously like fingers and his arms are never shown. His mustache also appears to move unnaturally most of the time.

Dimentio didn't wanted The End Of The Multiverse As We Know It at the end of Super Paper Mario

  • OK, he was insane, but he obviously opposed Count Bleck's plans about destroying all worlds. Yet, many says that, after his final defeat, he tried to destroy everything in a Taking You with Me attempt. Wrong: what is said is that he leaved a shadow behind him, so that it could control the Chaos Heart into destroying everything...I add, everything except the Heart and the shadow themselves. Then the shadow clone could have created an universe for himself and ensured his existance beyond the original's death. Basically: "I'll follow the Count's false plan...or at least another myself will."
    • There's also the mindset of "If I can't rule the multiverse, then no one will", which would still equate to wanting to make the multiverse cease to exist. Besides, technically, he left a shadow of his power behind, not a shadow of himself, and it was also explicitly stated that it will last long enough to destroy all existence.

The Dimentio in the game is actually Shadoo

  • Alright since this is Wild Mass Guessing I made I believe to be true...Count Bleck mentioned that Dimentio left a shadow of himself, Shadoo is still alive and controlling the Chaos Heart! And why Shadoo wanted to be the heroes of prophecy? Well, because he wanted to destroy everybody! And where is the real Dimentio? Somewhere in the Underwhere most likely...I call this idea! It's mine! I made it! If anybody makes a fanfiction like this I'm afraid you can't!
    • If you do, don't you dare left it to yourself. Linkitlinkit

Dimentio wrote the Dark Prognosticus.

He's actually millions of years old, and wrote his own prophecy...and planned to carry them out himself. But he needed a pawn - Count Bleck - and used him as a tool to carry out the plans of the Dark Prognosticus. When Count Bleck had no further use to Dimentio, he intended to kill him and carry out the rest of the plan.
  • Also supported by Super Dimentio, who looks almost exactly like Dimentio.
    • The game sort of implies this to be true...Then again, there are several pieces that imply a much, much deeper plot at hand. Dimentio is Merloo, the Ancient sage who is never mentioned outside of the stain-glass picture of him, which when tattled, says had similar abilities to Dimentio and was also involved in writing the Light Prognosticus. If this is the case, Dimentio wrote both books, plotting things to go exactly how he wanted for many years.

Charlieton is a great fighter

  • How else does he make it all the levels in the Pit of 100 Trials? And perhaps he got those rare badges by fighting in far away place...

Nastasia has geass

  • She gives someone a look, a flash of red light appears, and they follow her orders. Sound familiar?

Dimentio is Ulyaoth.

I played Eternal Darkness first, of course, but just looking at the character sheet for Ulyaoth after having played SPM made me laugh...and then be mortified at the idea. Alternately, he's Xel'lotath after going even more crazy as a result of whatever rites or process turned him into an Eldritch God-figure.

  • Xel'lotath is a girl, dude. Unless you think he BECAME a girl after whatever his ultimate fate was at the end of Super Paper Mario.

Dimentio is Nyarlathotep

  • I'm surprised no one has come up with this one yet. Dimentio posesses strange powers dealing with other worlds, he's a manipulative bastard that subtly brings harm to every living creature, and behind the mask of sillyness his mind is completely alien. Perhaps Dimentio was yet another of Gnarlys many masks, sent to bring destruction and ruin to mankind.

Mr. Hammer, Spikey Tom, and Spikey John are traitors to the Koopa Troop.

That quiz show seemed a little too helpful. Not only does it provide Peach and the player with information on the next Star Spirit, but Mr. Hammer gives you a super-special item perfect for sneaking around just for participating, tells you how to use it, and makes a point to specifically tell you not to use it to go sneaking around. So, basically, he gives you information, ideas on how to get more, and the means to do so. Doesn't he come off a bit obvious? Mr. Hammer is secretly on Mario's side and is playing his part in sabotaging his de jure king.

The player will have to fight Mario at some point in Paper Mario 3DS.

You fought Peach possessed by the Shadow Queen, and Luigi fused with a crazy clown. Don't be surprised if Mario gets brainwashed at some point and leaves your team. Maybe even final boss status...

  • Doopliss

Flurrie is from Lumpy Space.

She's purple, she's cloudlike, she floats around randomly, and she is definitely lumpy. She's been living among the Punis long enough to lose the Verbal Tic, but she's still a Lumperson.

Mario and Luigi's surname is Gonzales.

That's where Mario's Glitz Pit stage name, the Great Gonzales, came from. I'm guessing the reason they're not called the Gonzales Brothers has something to do with "Mario Brothers" having a nicer ring to it.

Thousand Year Door is a theatrical reenactment of the real quest.

The events of Thousand Year Door had been noted to be compiled into book form--or, if we want to WMG further, Luigi was the one who went on the adventure (as evidenced by his letters to Mario and the Super Paper Luigi book series), but Executive Meddling in the universe where Paper Mario was published forced them to change the protagonist to Mario because they believed that nobody wanted to play a game with Luigi as the protagonist. However, somebody somewhere felt sorry for Luigi, putting in the Easter Eggs about Luigi's quest, and Mario can still "cosplay" as Luigi via badges.

This explains why you have an audience cheering you on in the battles - it really is all just happening on a stage, and "Star Power" is part of the gimmick to keep the audience involved.

  • ...And Hooktail eating the audience?
  • And for that matter, Cortez eating the audience's souls, Lord Crump sucking the audience into a giant mecha and using them as cannon ammo, and the Shadow Queen absorbing the audience into her own body.
  • Don't worry...they all signed release forms.
  • And it's all part of the show anyway. If you want, you're free to believe that nobody was hurt.

Incidentally, the end credits somewhat support this theory, since the lady ghost is shown on stage with Mario in the theatrical reenactment of "his" quest.

  • Not only that, but the first shadow in the credits is Luigi, not Mario.

Yoshi or Toad will the the final boss of the 3DS game.

Because they're the only members of the main cast who hasn't been.

Dimentio, like Giygas, was driven insane from his power.

I'm not suggesting they're related, but I am suggesting that what happened to Giygas at the end of Earthbound happened to Dimentio. He was probably completely sane at one point, a skilled magician, and who may have even been a nice guy. However, eventually he discovered other kinds of magic, and began to use them. Over time, each spell took away a part of his sanity, and his newfound power replaced it. Soon, the dark magic he tried to control was controlling him. He used this power to obliterate his world, leaving only a small piece, which became Dimension D. He gained a thirst for destruction and a lust for power. Coupled with his lack of sanity, only one thing seperated his mental state from Giygas'; he knew what he was doing, and enjoyed it.

none of the events of the paper mario series are real.

instead the entire series is nothing more then a series of stories a much older mario is telling to his grandchildren because incase you all haven't noticed every game in the series starts off in a very storybook like fashion well maybe the narrator is no other then Mario himself it actually makes sense Mario and Peach are married they have had children years later they in turn had children and these grand kids are being told stories by Mario

  • Interesting theory, but how do you know the series doesn't have some basis of truth...perhaps, though, with a little artistic license on old Mario's part?

Save Blocks, from an in-universe perspective, cause premonitions.

If a person hits a Save Block, they see themselves continuing on with their adventure from there until they make a fatal mistake and pay the price. Sometimes, they may see multiple examples of this in sequential order. That way they can avoid what it was that would've killed them. You know when you're playing the game and you die and have to start over form the last save point? That's all in Mario's head. And that's why they call it a Save Block; they save you from getting yourself killed.

The Flipside (and Flopside) Pit of 100 Trials looks like the LCD screen of a Game & Watch system because it is one.

Seriously, can you think of another reason why it does?

The Save Block on the moon was put there by the Goombas that first landed there that Goombella spoke of.

It was their "American Flag," so to speak.

The reason Bonechill was made easy...

...was to make up for The Overthere being so complicated like a certain infuriating dungeon involving water.

Paper Mario 3DS will continue the series' Darker and Edgier trend.

It will give children nightmares but it'll still get an E10+ rating at the worst.

Paper Mario 6 or 7 will have be an Utsuge.

Taking the series Cerebus Syndrome to its logical conclusion, We can expect many of the party members to die in tragic senseless sacrifices and the ending to be a Shoot the Shaggy Dog Story that Mario will cause.

The book Goombella reads when you Tattle in battle was written by none other than RAWK HAWK.

Obviously, Rawk Hawk seems to have written his own entry, but what about the others? Well, who better than a fighter to learn the stats of enemies when there's not an adventure going on? And who would be most successful besides a champion? It's only good for Grubba that he kept R.H. more or less content until Mario came along; with such information in his possession, he might've gone after him!

Bonetail didn't start out skeletal.

Being stuck at the bottom of a giant dungeon doesn't really call for much nourishment...it may have started out like it's living predecessors, but after so long, it became weary and just turned into bones. But, being one of the Shadow Queen's pets, it wasn't able to die just yet. It was meant to die but stayed animated due to the Shadow Queen's dark magic. So, it stayed in this undead state, in a state of rage and unable to do anything but the purpose it was meant to serve: devour anyone who dares enter the Pit of 100 Trials. Mario is able to put it out of it's misery with either the Crystal Stars (when going through the Pit of 100 Trials normally) or just...sheer luck and skill (when going through the Pit of 100 Trials before fighting Hooktail).

The Void hasn't actually been stopped, just hindered

The Exact Words referring to the Void are: "The void will swallow all...Naught can stop it...unless the one protected by the dark power is destroyed." Assuming is dangerous, but-- if memory serves-- there's really only one 'dark power' at work in Super Paper Mario: the Chaos Heart. There are several people who could qualify as "the one protected by the dark power", though. Bleck and Dimentio, are the first to come to mind. While both were shielded by the Chaos Heart for some amount of time, both were also made vulnerable by the Pure Hearts, rendering that protection useless.

The prophecy never said anything about using the 'dark power', though, just being protected by it, which-- as the Genre Savvy might have surmised-- means that there is a third candidate. Considering the fact that the final battle presumably killed Dimentio, but did absolutely nothing to Luigi-- who, logically, should have been hurt, since he played the role of 'host'-- it's a distinct possibility that he was protected by the Chaos Heart, as per the prophecy. Of course, since he's still alive, one has to wonder about the void, too-- hence the WMG.

  • Considering the Void went away at the end, it may be that the Purity Heart will serve to keep it benign until Luigi dies on his own.
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