< Paper-Thin Disguise

Paper-Thin Disguise/Quotes

Mr. Furious: That's because Lance Hunt is Captain Amazing.
Blue Raja: Oh here we go...
Shoveler: Oh, don't start that again! Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing doesn't wear glasses.
Mr. Furious: He takes them off when he transforms.

Shoveler: That doesn't make any sense. He wouldn't be able to see!

Banjo: I'm Banjo the Stony. Can I come in and play?
Officer Unogopaz: Hmm... I don't know. That backpack looks kinda familiar...
Kazooie: Are you saying we're a bear and a bird in an elaborate disguise, trying to cheat our way in?

Officer Unogopaz: Yep, it's pretty obvious.

"You wear a disguise
to look like human guise guys
but you're not a man

You're a Chicken, Boo"

(After having fallen for one of the Beagle Boys disguised as a woman)
"Great Flaming Catfish Whiskers! The Beagle Boys! The moustache shoulda tipped me off! I need to get out more!"

Darkwing: Hold the phone. You're not Megavolt; you're Tuskerninni, in a really bad Megavolt disguise.

Tuskerninni: I am not Tuskerninni, and this is an excellent disguise!
Darkwing Duck, "Adopt-a-Con"
"Aw, gee! These disguises don't fool nobody!"

(Steve appears, wearing a Shy Guy mask.)
Steve: Hi guys! Can I join you guys? Huh? Huh?
Shy Guy: Hmmm....you look about right. What's your name?
Steve: Steve....Oh no, I mean Shy Guy!

Shy Guy: Well then...welcome, brother!
Bowser's Kingdom episode 2
My God! You mean the blonde woman with the German accent is actually the blonde woman with the German accent?
"Villains always fall for cheesy disguises."
Bugs Bunny (briefly poorly disguised as Taz), explaining to Buster and Babs a few basic facts about being a cartoon character, Tiny Toon Adventures

(Antimony approaches door, wearing a headband with attached antennae.)
Antimony: Hello. I would like to enter, please.
Doorbot: Robots onl... what's that on your head?
Antimony: These are my antennas, because I am clearly a robot.
Doorbot: Oh! Well... it's true that some robots have antennas... hmm...
Antimony: Also, robots never lie.

Doorbot: Hey, you're right! Come on in, friends!
The three escapees continued making progress, slowed only a few times when they were spotted by ninjas, all of whom held brief discussions of questionable logical validity before agreeing that the three couldn't possibly be who they very obviously were.
"There, you see? Count Olaf has one eyebrow. Coach Gengis has a turban. They look nothing alike."
Vice Principal Nero, The Austere Academy

- Let's recap' it. You want to join the Deathwatch as a Black shield ?
- Yes.
- Because you don't want anybody to know what Chapter you're from ?
- Mainly.
- And scratching your shoulder pad helps it, so nobody can identify your heraldry.
- Clever, isn'it ?
- Okayyy... and what about the bat-winged helmet ?
- Do you think I should take them off ?
- Only if you can take off you pale skin and your pitch-black eyes too, Night Lord.

a comment to Pax by DavidSondered (on DeviantArt)
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