< Panic! at the Disco
Panic! at the Disco/YMMV
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: The announcement of Vices and Virtues. From what it seems, they're returning to their old sound.
- Broken Base: What happened when the Beatles-esque Pretty.Odd. came out, with many fans wanting the pop-punk/dance style of A Fever You Can't Sweat back, and dropped the '!' from the name. And then again, when they bought back the '!' and Ryan and Jon left to form their own band, The Young Veins.
- Also, when they saw the brand new dynamics between the replacement members, Ian Crawford and Dallon Weekes.
- Ear Worm
- Face of the Band: People usually think of Brendon, the lead singer, before Ryan Ross, the main songwriter.
- In-Joke: There are a lot of jokes about milk in the fandom. Don't ask.
- Narm
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Rydon/Ryden (Ryan/Brendon), still very popular despite the split. Joncer (Jon/Spencer), usually a case of Pair the Spares. Brencer (Brendon/Spencer).
- Now introducing Brallon (Brendon/Dallon)
- Real Person Fic: And how!
- Ship-to-Ship Combat: Ryden or Brallon? Be careful, if you take a side.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: What some fans thought when Pretty.Odd. came out.
- They Copied It, So It Sucks: The band got a lot of heat for their blatant similarities to Fall Out Boy.
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