< Panel de Pon
Panel de Pon/YMMV
- Awesome Music: The final boss theme in the SNES version, The Place Where Evil Sleeps. It was still present in Tetris Attack, though Demoted to Extra as Bowser's appearance theme.
- The Stage Clear Credits is quite a beautiful tune tune. It is just called "Special Ending 4", but it is quite heartwarming as well. It also has the background set randomly.
- The ending of the Game Boy version of Tetris Attack. This troper believes it's one of the most emotional/heartwarming chiptunes, especially everything after 2:00.
- The more calm, beautiful example of this is the SNES Version: whether it's a young fairy girl or a cute dino dragon running on a rainbow, it really sets up your mood. Especially after the clearing the hard mode.
- Broken Base: Planet Puzzle League for the DS allows you to use the stylus instead of traditional controls. You can guess how this turned out with fans.
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