- Accidental Aesop: From SHED.MOV: Bullying is bad, m'kay?
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: The announcement of MAGIC.MOV.
- Base Breaker: SHED.MOV. Some got a good laugh, but others found it more disturbing than funny.
- Earlier, DRESS.MOV. Many were disgusted by the way it went even further over the top than APPLE.MOV; others liked it for the exact same reason. Some considered it racist, while others realized that its attack was on Rarity, and not on the Mexicans.
- Non Sequitur Scene: One appears in every episode:
- Applejack's...trip in APPLE.MOV.
- Later, it was revealed to be not so, as that very trip later becomes a plot point in Jappleack's ask blog.
- Twilight masturbating in DRESS.MOV.
- Whatever it was Spike, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were doing at the beginning of SHED.MOV.
- Spike humping on Twilight at the beginning of MAGIC.MOV.
- Applejack's...trip in APPLE.MOV.
- Ear Worm: "Gunna Eat'cha Brains"
- Pixel Peeker Polka, the background music from the first three episodes.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Paco.
- Fridge Brilliance: What was Apple Bloom's cutie mark right before Discord squished her? A daisy. As in Pushing Daisies.
- Fridge Horror: So Fluttershy, why do you have a human skull in your shed again?
- According to Paco's twitter account, that's one of his fellow co-workers named Sancho.
- Heartwarming Moments: The latest post from the JappleAck blog.
- Hell Is That Noise: The xylophone sound of the dead animal's ribs in SHED.MOV.
- It Was His Sled: Derpy Hooves being a toaster cozy is promoted on T-shirts.
- Memetic Mutation: This face [dead link]
that Spike made in SHED.MOV. interpreted by some as Spike's trollface.
- It even has a template!
- "Stay out of my shed" and all of its variations is rapidly becoming one as well.
- "Swag"
- Moe: Fluttershy, by the standards of this series, slips into this a bit when she says "Don't tease me I'm shy!"
- Never Live It Down: SHED.MOV might become to Fluttershy what Cupcakes is to Pinkie Pie. Since also every Fluttershy video on Youtube has comments about her shed.
- Nightmare Fuel: Everything after Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike enter Fluttershy's shed in SHED.MOV.
- Only Sane Man: Spike is an amoral stoner, but is by far one of the sanest characters in the series, often calling attention to how bizarre or stupid their plans are (that being said he also gleefully follows along).
- So Okay It's Average: Arguably, SPIKE.MOV, what with the video only lasting for almost one and a half minutes with Spike trying to do a trick at some tiny skateboard (apparently, Tech Deck) with his fingers while Paco watches and with a Twist Ending.
- Squick: Twilight's "clopping" in DRESS.MOV, complete with squelching sounds.
- When one of Rarity's workers complains about being thirsty, she hawks a loogie right into the glass.
- "Yo, that's my period, ya dumb bitch! That's my period!"
- Rainbow's "wingboner" in SHED.MOV. It's drawn with veins and pulsing motions that end up making it resemble an actual penis. Urrrgh...
- Spike pulling the worm in Rainbow's face and eating it in MAGIC.MOV. Lampshaded by the look Twilight gave him when he did.
- The close up of her nipples being pinched with jumper cables can count.
- Tear Jerker: This post on the ASK JAPPLEACK blog.
- And this one [dead link] .
- And this one. And if you've watched Apple.Mov, it's downright heartbreaking.
- This entry of the Jappleack blog. It features Big Macintosh and Jappleack saying a heartfelt goodbye to each other. Big Mac knows he's going to lose his sister by giving her an apple for her to go to that mysterious spirit, yet he allows her to do it if it would make her happy.
- This entry, where Applejack shows Jappleack Applebloom, comforts her about her sister, and welcomes her into her family.
- "No! Don't laugh at me! Stop laughing at me! Stay out of my shed! STAY OUT OF MY SHED!!!" Poor, poor Fluttershy.
- Weird Al Effect: More people are familiar with Fluttershy's song, "Gunna Eat'cha Brains", than the Fat Albert theme which it's a parody of.
- What an Idiot!: Discord's been attacking Ponyville since DRESS.MOV. What does Apple Bloom do during this? Stare at her rump as her cutie mark appears during the carnage, causing her to get promptly squished by Discord. In-character, when you think about it, but still a case of this trope.
- Also, Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie and Spike bolt the instant Fluttershy bursts in with a chainsaw, but she just stands there. And dies.
- The Woobie: Applebloom in the ASK JAPPLEACK blog.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Fluttershy in SHED.MOV.
- Jerkass Woobie: Jappleack after Applebloom died.
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