Oxhorn Short Shorts
A Machinima made by a guy named Brandon M. Dennis and his friends, based on World of Warcraft. It follows the adventures of a Tauren, Oxhorn, and his friends.
The main parts are Inventing Swear Words, the Myth Arc concering Oxhorn's guild's attempts to get around the World of Warcraft autocensor, and the Assosciate Professor Kills All X (X varies) trilogy, which is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. That, and the Musical segments.
Tropes used in Oxhorn Short Shorts include:
- A Day in the Limelight - "Staghorn Gets a Patdown" for Staghorn, Oxhorn's friend.
- Affectionate Parody - The "Mighty Morphin' Midget Gnomes" episodes are this towards Power Rangers.
- Alternate Character Interpretation - In "Ox Chop", the Headless Horseman is portrayed as "dying to meet with strangers", and uses cleverly-chopped quotes of his from the game. This meeting can either be considered hilarious or quite disturbing, depending on who you ask.
- Applied Phlebotinum - Creating new and !EVIL! forms of phlebotinum is Assosiate Professor Evil's passion.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever - Attack of the Fifty Foot Crab and the Fifty Foot Singing Turtle, at the same time.
- Author Filibuster - Characters stop to explain why atheists are wrong, or why elves are lame, or why vegetarianism is silly, or which types of pie are best...
- Author Tract - "The Invisible Pink Unicorn."
- Beleaguered Assistant - Quintus
- And eventually Associate Professor Evil himself to Quintus.
- Berserk Button - If Associate Professor Evil has his eye on a powerful artifact which you agree to let him have, don't later roll Need on it.
- Brain Bleach - Oxhorn and Staghorn desperately need it after seeing Mort's not particularly attractive girlfriend in her underwear.
- Played for laughs when they end up needing it when they see Mortuus' Heihachi Mishima-esque hair.
- Christmas Episode - several.
- Cross-Dressing Voices - Lacy.
- averted with Hackey Bub-wuh.
- Dragon Rider - Mortuus is friends with some dragons, who let him ride them.
- Dreadful Musician - Hat. Apparently.
- Early Installment Weirdness - In the first Inventing Swear Words video, Oxhorn is played by Mark Pfaff. In subsequent videos, Oxhorn is played by Brandon M. Dennis himself. (Strangely, Brandon M. Dennis plays Mortuus in that first video.)
- The first Orcs in Space video has the voice mannerisms of Dr. Strangeorc and Dink switched compared to Orcs in Space 2 and the Orcs in Space audio skit on the album.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin - Assosciate Professor Evil Kills All Beggars/Gold Farmers subverts this, as while all of the villainous parties perish, they die at the hands of Barnaby, his pet crab. Assosciate Professor Evil Kills All Ninja Looters, however, is closer to the mark. However, at the point the deed is done, he had already become Lieutenant Colonel Virtue.
- Fantastic Racism - The creator himself hates elves, therefore so does Oxhorn. Also, there's plenty of gags involving people hurting gnomes.
- Gags? There's an entire epic song about the evils of gnomes.
- To be fair, there are many circles that make fun of gnomes. Gnome punting is a real sport to many players on WoW.
- The Panda Exterminator, there's no place for "cute" in Orgrimmar.
- Flat What - In Inventing Swear Words 5, The GM's response to Staghorn's statement that "warriors are too weak".
- Funny Background Event - Several in Inventing Swear Words 2. Also, the undead guy and the aircraft in "Oxhorn Tells Off Xfire".
- Hypocritical Humor - "Oxhorn Tells Off Xfire". Lampshade hung in the background.
- Informed Obscenity - The invented swear words 'blit', 'bloit', 'grat', 'chak', 'flak', and 'wolsh'.
- Intelligible Unintelligible - Mortuus speaks in 1337speak, but no-one around him seems to notice.
- They do, at least when he goes off into random terms.
- Jive Turkey - Subverted by the Master of Euphemisms, who pretty much lives up to his name. Simply put, he doesn't need to use slang to make his point, he can "swear" quite effectively using standard US English (with a southern US accent).
- Played straight with Mortuus, who actually pronounces gamer shorthand phonetically.
- Keet - Gnomes, espescially the Mighty Morphin' Midget Gnomes.
- Mad Scientist - Assosiate Professor Evil
- Make My Monster Grow - "Come now, Barnaby! Kill all the beggars in Orgrimmar!"
- Mauve Shirt - Mighty Morphin' Midget Gnomes unite!
- Meaningful Name - Mortuus is undead. Oxhorn is a tauren (cow-person). Assosciate Professor Evil is Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Musical
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast - Assosciate Professor Evil.
- Ninja Looting - This is what pushes Assosciate Professor Evil over the edge.
- Noble Bigot - Oxhorn.
- No Fourth Wall
- Old Master of euphemisms.
- One-Liner, Name. One-Liner. - Mr. Evil in "Mister Evil Runs For Office" says "One day, Quintus... one.... day" in the bar at the end right before he becomes Lieutenant Colonel Virtue.
- One-Winged Angel - Lieutenant Colonel Virtue.
- Only Sane Tauren - Oxhorn
- Our Elves Are Better - They act like they are. But really, they're not.
- Perky Goth - Mortuus is one of the few male examples out there.
- Product Placement - Parodied in the video for "Like the Game".
- Recycled IN SPACE!!! - Orcs in Space!
- Ridiculously Cute Critter - Hat the singing turtle.
- Satellite Character - Staghorn, to Oxhorn and Mortuus.
- Justified - he's voiced by a different person (Mark Pfaff), as is Lacy. Mark has trouble going through a normal recording session (as evidenced by the bloopers) and would not like to be the star of a machinima. Nevertheless, Staghorn has starred in a movie where Oxhorn was not even present.
- Shrouded in Myth - the Master of Euphemisms.
- Shout-Out - Gnome Wrangling by A. Chimendez.
- Squick - DEAD COW BABIES... ``Dead Cowbies!``
- Turns out they're adorable. Who knew. The creation process, on the other hand...
- Stylistic Suck - Orcs In Space
- Super-Powered Evil Side - Inverted with Lieutenant Colonel Virtue, the Superpowered good side of Mr. Evil.
- Take That - To Perez Hilton
- Talking Animal - Hat, the singing turtle.
- The Igor - Quintus, though after
Associate Professor EvilMr. Evil got demoted, he became rather bossy. - This Loser Is You - Several cases, but most obvious is "Like the Game".
- Unusual Euphemism - A whole series (the Inventing Swear Words series) is dedicated to this, using the following unusual euphemisms: 'blit', 'bloit', 'grat', 'chak', 'flak', and 'wolsh'.
- The Usual Adversaries: Elves
- Villain Protagonist - Assosciate Professor Evil.
- Verbal Tic - Mortuus. "Leet hax pwnt roflmao kzzt bbtheq!" "Roxors boxors, pwnt!" "Lol omg wtg dairy queen lol omg bbtheq"
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe - Staghorn, very much. In later videos it starts slipping into self-parody.
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