< Overlord II

Overlord II/Characters

This is the character page for Overlord II, needs filling out.

This page is for characters that debuted or have a large story role in Overlord II , if they're a recurring character but don't play much of a role, put them on the sheet for the first game.

The Overlord and his allies

The Overlord/The Witch-Boy/The Demon Lord of Nordberg

The son of the previous Overlord, he starts off as a Creepy Child in the town of Nordberg known only as the Witch-Boy. When the Glorious Empire came to the town's doorsteps, the Witch-Boy was unceremoniously tossed to the Imperial troops to be exterminated, but was saved by the Minions. Afterwards, he was brought to the Netherworld and given a proper evil upbringing by Gnarl.

  • All of the Other Reindeer
  • Anti-Hero: Type V.
  • Brainwashing: How he acquires loyalty.
  • Bullying the Dragon: Throughout his childhood, the Witch-Boy was hated and abused by just about everyone in Nordberg- despite the fact that he had magical powers and (later) a small army of minions under his command. The children of the town realised their mistake after getting beaten up and having their clothes stolen. Everyone else had to wait a good thirteen years for the consequences of their actions to catch up with them.
  • Carry a Big Stick: Though he does use other weapons, this Overlord has a thing for clubs and maces; not only is his ultimate weapon an enchanted mace, but his childhood weapon of choice was a wooden club.
  • Creepy Child: As the Witch-Boy.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom
  • In the Hood: As the Witch-Boy, the Overlord wore a hooded coat as part of his winter ensemble. Oddly enough, the fur on the hood is formed into the shape of the future Overlord's helmet.
  • Red Right Hand: Apart from the aforementioned glowing eyes, what little of his skin can be seen is dark blue in colour and covered with spiral designs.
  • Not-So Heroic Mime: Like his father, he doesn't speak in-game.
  • Shock and Awe: Most of his magical powers seem to involve lightning or electricity.
  • Tin Tyrant
  • Villain Protagonist


A childhood friend of the Witch-Boy, Kelda was the only Nordbergian that did not hate him and in fact had a crush upon him. After the conquest of Nordberg, she becomes the first of his mistresses.

  • Childhood Friend Romance
  • Everything's Worse with Wolves: Kelda has something of an affinity for wolves, often incorporating them into the furniture around the tower, and allows your Minions to ride into battle on wolves if you choose her as your First Mistress.
  • Evil Redhead
  • Hunter-Trapper
  • Nightmare Fetishist: As a child, she was the Witch-Boy's only friend, and gleefully cheered him on during the Midwinter's Eve rampage. As an adult, she's a skilled hunter with a fondness for animal pelts and other taxidermied souvenirs- and she's still carrying a torch for the Witch-Boy.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Prior to being taken in by the Overlord, she clearly thought this about most of Nordberg; quite apart from the odd remarks at how stupid Nordbergians are, she has absolutely zero problem with her ex-neighbours being enslaved or massacred.
  • Token Good Teammate: Out of all the Mistresses, Kelda is the only one who honestly seems to love the Overlord for who he is. She's still decidedly amoral in her outlook, but she's miles better than Juno and Fay.


A woman from the Glorious Empire, Juno is a selfish layabout who relies upon her looks to get what she wants. After the conquest of Everlight she becomes the second mistress.


A replacement for the previous Overlord's jester. Originally just another minion, his time on the battlefield came to an abrupt end when the frozen Witch-Boy arrived in the Netherworld and Quaver made the mistake of pressing his eye to the ice; thirteen years later, the one-eyed minion now works as the Jester, reciting poems written in honour of his master- accompanied by a band, should you find any musical instruments in the field.

  • Butt Monkey: Loses an eye, gets kicked out of the minion burrow, knocked into a crevasse... even when he manages to steal a crown from the Overlord's loot, he manages to lose his glass eye in the process.
  • Curse Cut Short: One of his early poems is interrupted by a snowball to the head, followed by a long drop into a pit.

Begone, you beast/and make it fast/ for if you don't/ we'll kick your AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa...

The Sanctuaries

Queen Fay

The Queen of the Magical Sanctuaries and the leader of all free magical beings, she is engaged in a desperate attempt to save her people from the predations of the Empire. Quite naturally, she also opposes the Overlord as a being of Dark Magic. Later on however, she proposes an alliance between them to defeat the Empire where she helps him recharge the Tower Heart. When her temples prove to be insufficient, Fay then allows herself to be drained to recharge the Heart. However, the process then twists her soul and drives her mad, turning her into Dark Fay (if domination) or continuing to drain her and killing her, making her come back as a ghost (if destruction) either way she joins you after and becomes one of the Overlord's mistresses.

Florian Greenheart

Fay's right-hand elf, he can usually be found leading her warriors in the field. By all appearances, Florian is a typical elf: arrogant, self-righteous, effeminate, and very, very shallow- he even goes so far as to say that only the "fluffy and the fuzzy" magical creatures can be saved. He's actually the alter ego of Emperor Solarius.

The Glorious Empire

Emperor Solarius

The Ruler of the Glorious Empire, he is dedicated to the extermination of magical beings and the expansion of his empire; face perpetually hidden by a golden mask and laurel wreath, he has taken credit for saving his people from the magical plague and rebuilding human civilization following the Cataclysm.

In truth, he is actually Florian Greenheart, an elf thought to be in service of Queen Fay. Originally born without magic, he attempted to use the Tower Heart to rectify this, only to accidentally overload it, devastating the surrounding lands and creating the Magical Plague. From this, however, he founded the Empire with the help of Rose, with his intent being to gather up all magic for his ascension to Godhood.


Solarius' right-hand-man, Marius is often seen acting in the Emperor's stead as far as speech-making goes. He's also one of the few Imperial citizens who know Solarius' true goals and identity; furthermore, he's entirely complicit with this.

Governor Borius

The Imperial Governor of Nordberg and brother to Marius, Borius was installed on the very day the young Overlord was banished; when the Overlord finally returns, Borius is still in charge- and not willing to see his territory claimed by someone else.

  • Adipose Rex
  • Humiliation Conga: His forces are trounced by the Overlord, Marius gives him an earful for his behaviour, Kelda mocks him, and the Overlord himself drops a statue on top of him; this is followed by the Overlord killing him outright, or just leaving him paralyzed in the snow.
  • Fat Bastard
  • Fat Idiot
  • Nepotism: It's pretty clear that Borius only got the job due to Marius pulling a few strings in his favour.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: What Borius views his position as.

The Sentinels

A mysterious order of cloaked figures with the power to detect magic, the Sentinels are commonly used by the Empire to hunt down and destroy magicians and magical creatures alike. They are led by none other than Rose, Mistress to the Overlord of the previous game.

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