Outlaws (1997 video game)

Outlaws is a 1997 Wild West First-Person Shooter game developed by LucasArts.
It follows the journey for revenge of the retired Marshal James Anderson, who after returning home from a shopping trip to the town finds his wife murdered, his daughter kidnapped and his house burned to the ground by the henchmen of an evil railroad baron called Bob Graham.
Tropes used in Outlaws (1997 video game) include:
- Badass Longcoat: Anderson.
- Bait and Switch Gunshot: After the final battle, Anderson is held at gunpoint by Graham, whom he now realizes killed his father. The sound of a gunshot is heard, but it was Sarah, who'd been placed in the same position as Anderson as a child and had grabbed Anderson's gun.
- Bandito: "Spittin'" Jack Sánchez.
- Big Bad: "Gentleman" Bob Graham
- Bonus Level of Hell: In Ugly difficulty there is an additional cavern section on Level 6.
- Cowboy Cop: Anderson was fired from being marshall for gunning down a suspect. It's worth noting that Anderson harbors no resentment for being fired. He fully realizes that an officer of the law has to follow the law, and says so when another character claims his dismissal was unfair. Also, uh, he's literally a cowboy.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: It has one of the best western music samples.
- Especially The Last Gunfight.
- The Dragon: Chief Two Feathers
- Even Evil Has Standards: Bob Graham disapproves of "Bloody" Mary Nash's idea of killing Sarah.
- Eye Scream: "Bloodeye" Tim got his alias since he lost his eye in a gunfight and so he now has the habit to shoot people in their eyes.
- The Gunslinger: The main character.
- Homage: The Game is most obviously one to Spaghetti Western, especially those starring Clint Eastwood (on whom Marshall Anderson is clearly based on).
- I Shall Taunt You: Don't be a fool Marshal!, Yer' outnumbered! For the Mooks, the bosses are also very vocal.
- Mad Doctor: Matt "Dr. Death" Jackson.
- Outlaw: Well, duh.
- Recycled in Space: It's Dark Forces in the Wild West which itself was Doom! IN Star Wars.
- Retired Badass: The protagonist, James Anderson.
- Roaring Rampage of Rescue combined with Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- Sawed-Off Shotgun
- Shout-Out: The Difficulty Levels are named: Good, Bad and Ugly
- On level 2 (the town) there is a business called Stan's Used Coffins.
- There is one historical mission that pays a Homage to the opening sequence of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
- Stuffed in The Fridge: The marshal's wife, Anna.
- Taking the Kids: In addition of killing his wife, Bob Graham also kidnaps Anderson's daughter.
- Too Dumb to Live:
"Slim" Sam Fulton:...Damn it... I told that fool Doctor stealing your kid weren't gonna be good for everyone's... health... uhhhh *dies*
Anderson: It's a shame he didn't listen.
- Traintop Battle: It wouldn't be a Wild West game without it.
- The Western
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: There's a secret area that features a stegosaurus that makes chicken sounds when shot, a velociraptor with a person's head, a rabid squirrel and a dog with sunglasses, among other things.
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