< Outbreak


  • Crowning Moment of Funny: "Why are we flying so low?"
    • And, of course, "With all due respect, fuck you."
    • Anybody who's ever been in the military had a snicker at the scene where Dustin Hoffman's character basically browbeats a flight controller into changing his flight plan to Cedar Creek.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: A real-life outbreak of the Ebola virus occurred in Zaire only a few months after the film was released.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Averted, oddly enough. The symptoms of Motaba are basically painful flu-like symptoms followed by death, at least as far as we see. Ebola, on the other hand, is disturbingly horrifying, essentially rendering the body to a barely-living bag of blood as internal organs break down, bleed out, and essentially disintegrate until the host dies. Suffice to say, be glad they didn't show that.
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