Out for Justice
1991 action film starring Steven Seagal.
Gino Felino (Seagal) is a police officer in crime-ridden Brooklyn. He has an agreement with the local mob that neither will hurt the other. One day, however; psychopathic, drug-addicted mob boss and Gino's childhood enemy Richie Madano (William Forsythe) murders Gino's partner, Bobby Lupo, in broad daylight in front of his wife and two kids. Gino embarks on a vengeful rampage to find Richie and kill him, beating up half the mobster population of the district in the process.
Tropes used in Out for Justice include:
- Anticlimax Boss: When Gino finally gets to Richie, he beats him so thoroughly that Richie's continued attempts to put up a fight become almost comical until Gino finally puts him out of his misery.
- Ax Crazy: Richie.
- Bar Brawl
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Richie's parents plead with Gino not to kill their son, even as they are sickened by what he has done. He agrees only if Richie turns himself in which of course he doesn't because then there would be no story. His brother, who is a Jerkass and criminal, counts as well.
- Knight Templar: Gino. In his quest to find Richie, he treats people not a great deal more gently than Richie himself does.
- Laser-Guided Karma: A subplot involves Gino adopting a dog that some brute throws out of a window. At the end, Gino finds the brute again, kicks him in the balls, and then the dog comes and urinates on his face.
- The Mafia
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Gino but also Richie, who is out to settle scores, albeit with a much heftier dose of Disproportionate Retribution which brings Gino, the police and The Mafia all after him.
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