Otome Kikan Gretel
Yuu Mikoshima enters the famous St. Millefeuille All-Girl High School with high expectations of it... and finds much more than she was prepared for. First off, Nagi, a cheerful classmate assigned to show her the school, attempts (admittedly) to seduce her, culminating in a French kiss. Next thing she knows, the school is being attacked by a three-ton monster that is after its stockpile of sugar. Somehow, Yuu is able to unleash a devastating power attack and knock it out and ends up kissing an angry girl named Mariya to combine their powers and kill the monster for good.
It turns out, St. Millefeuille is a special academy for training Magitek witches who can fight Formiks, monsters like the one Yuu defeated. Said monsters destroyed 80% of the world's sugar supply some 10 years ago and are still out for it. To fight them, each St. Millefeuille student has a special power and Yuu's is to absorb the powers of others through kissing, just like she did with Nagi and Mariya, with whom she eventually gets teamed up. Thus, her ordinary school life begins.
Otome Kikan Gretel is an on-going Girls Love Manga by Kaoru Sudou, serialized in the Seinen magazine Comic Yuri Hime S. Definitely approved for every Yuri Fan out there but unfortunately, it seems to have become an Orphaned Series by now.
For those who want to check out the links, try here [dead link] .
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Heavily implied in this Omake.
- Blank White Eyes: Yuu often gets this look when Nagi tries to seduce or flirt with her.
- Boobs of Steel: One of Nagi's powers is Super Strength so guess who has the biggest chest?
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: "Is this what's commonly known as an Event Flag?" (Complete with options!)
1) I'd be happy to go at it right away, too ♥
2) Sorry, I'm not interested in that sort of thing.
3) Eh!? Y-you're jokin...right?
- Bug War: Many characters refer to Formiks as "insects".
- Calling Your Attacks: "Pudding's Vengeance!"
- Cast Full Of Lesbian: Every character is a girl who likes girls.
- Catgirl: Makoto cosplays as a catgirl maid for her sister.
- Dating Sim: Parodied, as some characters start seeing "event flags" at critical moments or mentioning filling up meters and maxing out gauges.
- Double Entendre: "Were you done in by a drowsy Nagi's gigantic AUBE!?" (Combines the above Boobs of Steel, as well as the Stock Super Powers below)
- Justified Trope. One of the omakes explains that once, Nagi slept without her limiter rings, and took to hug Mariya in her sleep. Mariya lost 3 ribs to that sweet "expression of love".
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: Nagi does this to Yuu after Yuu faints from Nagi's
flirtingsexual harassment. - Elegant Gothic Lolita: Makoto, who is also a Token Mini-Moe.
- Emotionless Girl: Hotobe.
- Event Flag: Nagi outright comes on to Yuu, asking if she wants more than just to kiss (see Breaking the Fourth Wall). She took a fourth option and did nothing. Yet, at least.
- Famous Ancestor: Yuu's mother Aya was a hero of the Sugarless Valentine, the first conflict with Formiks when they ate most of the world's sugar.
- Fan Service: Where do we begin? Suffices to say every new chapter is ecchier than the last.
- First Kiss: Yuu "steals" Mariya's first kiss. Yuu's own first kiss was taken by someone she referred as "Onee-Sama" in a flashback (cue implications).
- Genki Girl: Nagi, though there've been some hints towards a tragic backstory, too.
- Girlish Pigtails: Yuzuka.
- Glomp: Nagi [dead link] (natch)
- Hot-Blooded: Mariya, especially when pudding is involved.
- Hot for Student: There are hints between Rosa and Photon.
- Hot Springs Episode: Two out of six chapters so far. Long live hot springs!!
- Innocent Innuendo: The pudding making scene, with added Visual Innuendo to boot.
- Kill It with Fire: Some Formiks are particularly vulnerable to fire (it's implied that fire was a weakness of that particular Formik in the first chapters).
- Lolicon: The teacher Hikaru Akatsuki has a complex for her Token Mini-Moe sister Makoto.
Hikaru: "Hush, I'm replenishing my little sister meter..."
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Nagi.
- Marshmallow Hell: Nagi is prone to subjecting Yuu to hers.
- Mega Manning: Yuu has the ability to copy (and apparently, enhance) powers through exchange of bodily fluids but only for a brief time. Cue lots of kissing.
- Meido: Makoto cosplays as a maid catgirl for her sister. And brings her coffee.
- Military School: While the local regulations are not at all strict, St. Millefeuille is a classified government academy for training witches to counter the global Formiks threat.
- Mission Control: Makoto. At least when she's not spending "quality time" with her big sister.
- Ms. Fanservice: Nagi, and in this manga, that's really saying something.
- Nosebleed: Nagi provokes this reaction from Yuu a lot with Nagi insisting that it's "normal for a healthy young girl".
- Ordinary High School Student: Yuu.
- Orphaned Series
- Panty Shot. Oh, boy...
- Pettanko: Mariya.
- Playing with Fire: Mariya's and Tsukasa's power.
- Power Limiter: Several girls have to wear these to prevent accidental use of their AUBE. Nagi's limiter is a pair of rings, Mariya's is a wristband, and Yuu's is a collar.
- The Power of Love: It's very [dead link] heavily [dead link] implied [dead link] that There Is Only One Bed for a reason.
- Really Gets Around: Nagi is a Good Bad Girl, really.
- The Rival: Yuzuka and Mariya; by extension, also their respective teams.
- Say It with Hearts: Nagi is quite prone to heart symbols in her speech balloons.
"Chop ♥"
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Does it even have to be mentioned? Hell yeah, it does!
- Serious Business: Sugar and sweets in general, since Formiks ate most of the world's sugar some ten years ago.
- Sister Sister Incest: Hikaru likes her little sister, Makoto, as shown in the Lolicon quote above [dead link] .
- Skinship Grope: Nagi is prone to this.
- Sound Effect Bleep: In the "Fill in the Blanks" Omake.
Nagi: "She wants me to bleep her five times a night now. And Maria loves it when you bleep her bleep. When you bleep, she makes the cutest noises..."
- Squee: During a battle.
- Stock Super Powers: AUBE ("Appearance of Unlimited Bio
EnergyEnaergy") is equivalent to witchcraft in the setting. - Super-Hero School: Technically a Wizarding School but in effect much closer to the former.
- Super Strength: Nagi's and, by extention, Yuu's AUBE.
- Sweet Tooth: All girls in the story have one (and for a reason) but Mariya is particularly bad at controlling it.
- There Is Only One Bed: Nagi, Yuu, and Mariya share a bed in their dorm and nobody bats an eyelid. Damn, that's one awesome school...
Nagi: "So if you aren't satisfied with merely kissing, tell me anytime ♥. That's why the three of us share the same bed in our unit dorm ♥."
- This Is a Drill: Mariya and Yuu's combined attack looks like a drill.
- Tomboy: Mariya.
- Tsundere: Mariya is an extreme Type Tsun. Even her cute dere side is slightly volatile.
- Two-Teacher School
- Vapor Wear: On at least one occasion, courtesy of our resident Good Bad Girl/Lovable Sex Maniac...
Nagi (Deliberately putting Yuu's hand on her [un?]fortunately clothed breast): No bra! ♥
- X Meets Y: My-HiME meets Strawberry Panic WITH CONFECTIONERY!
- Yuri Fangirl: Many of the student body swoon over watching Mariya and Yuu kiss.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Mariya, again.