Otaku no Musume-san
Kouta was your average otaku, living alone in his apartment, surrounded by his figurines and anime body pillows; until Kanau came long. All of a sudden, Kouta has a daughter he never knew existed. Not only that, she is going to live with him, with no support from the mother who suddenly left her in his care. Now Kouta has to learn to be a father, all the while dealing with the rest of the crazy otaku of the Higansou.
Otaku no Musume-san (AKA The Otaku's Daughter) is a Shounen, comedy manga that centers primarily around the life of Kouta and Kanau, father and daughter.
- Abusive Parents: The reason Taeko's mother didn't want to take care of her; she thought she would abuse Taeko.
- Alpha Bitch: Reika Misono. Her father is a politician and her mother is an actress. However, Reika isn't all that bad and her parents are fairly decent people, even if her mother is a bit snooty.
- Anime Hair: Averted, as most of the characters sport normal hairstyles. Played straight with a flashback arc involving Taeko's grandfather, who sports a Heihachi haircut (he says it's James Dean).
- Babies Ever After: In an omake at the end of the last chapter Haruka is seen with her young son just learning to walk. The kid's eyebrows give away who the father is immediately. Taeko also has a set of twin girls of her own with Sensei in the last chapter.
- Badass: Landlady of all people was this when she turned to delinquency in her early teens. Also her grandfather and at least some of his friends would qualify as this too.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Taeko is mostly a Type 5 though sometimes she shows signs of Type 3
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Runs in Kouta's family, starting with his mother. Even baby Saori has them.
- Bishie Sparkle: Nicchi, when given enough sweets
- Bishonen: Nicchi apparently is one when he has enough sweets. He even sparkles.
- Broken Bird: Taeko as a child, particularly after the death of her grandfather.
- Brutal Honesty: Kouta's parents(especially his mother) are rather frank about what they think of his lifestyle.
- Also done by Nozomi Yukimura, telling Kouta point blank that she never loved him.
- But Not Too Foreign: Niichi has an English mother.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Kouta, in his feelings for Taeko. At least when addressing Taeko directly.
- Also with a male classmate of Kanau, who always comes close but is either too nervous or his friends come in at the wrong time.
- Chekhov's Gun: In chapter 13, Kouta gets Member of Parliament Misono's business card. Forty-nine chapters later, he uses it to help convince Takurou and Nozomi to give Kanau back to him.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Nicchi, during Kouta and Nozomi's first time in the art room. He can be spotted in the corner of the panel in Chapter 3, but his presence is either missable or to be assumed as inconsequential. Chapter 58 changes that when we see Nozomi's recollection of the same event, where Nicchi's presence is much more pronounced.
- Children Raise You
- Cool Big Sis: Inverted. Mami is much cooler than Kouta, and more down-to-earth, but she is his younger sister (imouto), not older.
- Date Peepers: Kanau, Mami, and Kimiko spy on Kouta and Taeko's date.
- Did You Just Have Sex?: A Freeze-Frame Bonus with Haruka wearing dark black stockings before she kisses the Broken Bird Kouta and she is showing her bare legs after. This also could explain how she gets his child in the end.
- Distant Finale: The final chapter opens with Kanau's elementary school graduation two years later.
- The Ditz: Taeko's mother.
- Dysfunction Junction: While a comedy, a few characters have decidedly dysfunctional pasts.
- Enemy Mine: For Kouta and Niichi, as is said here.
- Everything Is Worse With Bears: Subverted as Kanau's friend Riko loves bears. Probably played straight here.
- and don't forget this
- Fan Disservice: Sousuke cosplaying Lum at Comiket. CANNOT UNSEE!
- Festival Episode: Kanau and Kouta go to a festival together, much ado is made about
kimonosyukatas. - Fish Out of Water: Kanau being thrust into a group she knows nothing about and Kouta being thrust into a role he knows nothing about.
- Five-Man Band:
- Kouta: The Hero, as the main character
- Nicchi: The Lancer, as his best friend, and ready to step up in take Kouta's place as 'father'
- Sousuke: Mentor Archetype or The Chick, depending on how you look at it.
- Taeko: Team Mom, more or less literally, as she seems to do most of the cooking for the Higansou
- Haruka: The Smart Guy, Smart and snarky, though a bit bullheaded.
- Gag Nose: Nicchi's nose, although it wasn't so when he was younger. It grows longer when the worst of his lolicon tendencies begin to show. The second-to-last chapter reveals that the nose is fake.
- Genki Girl: Kanau's best friend in school, on top of being an otaku, is constantly energetic.
- Genre Savvy: Being an Otaku and all, Kouta (and no doubt the other otakus in the apartment) knows a thing or two about the terminology and such, like how he pointed out Haruka looked like a Tsundere with her Girlish Pigtails after her Important Haircut. Unfortunately, he's blind to the fact that her Tsundere-ness is aimed towards him.
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry
- Headphones Equal Isolation: Along with her Meaningful Name, Haruka often wears headphones, if for no other reason to emphasize her distant nature.
- Heroic BSOD: Kouta falls into one after learning Taeko is married, and to Sousuke no less. Nicchi reveals Kouta fell into one for about six months after Kanau's mother up and disappeared almost ten years ago, and came out of it the otaku he is now. Kanau pulls him out after only a few days, this time.
- Runs into an even worse one after the Wham! Episode (you know, the whole deal with Nozomi never loving him in the first place). To the point where he's represented by a skeleton for the better part of an entire chapter. Then Haruka gets serious. It works.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Nicchi and Kouta
- Horrible Judge of Character: Riko's older sister Rika believes Nicchi is a cool hunk who's interested in mature looking women.
- Hot Springs Episode: There isn't a lot of fanservice here.
- I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!: Lampshaded at the end of Chapter 49 when Taeko breaks up a fight. Taeko's intentions seem pure enough, but that doesn't stop Kanau from analyzing the situation as such.
- Important Haircut: Haruka cuts off her Peek-a-Bangs to emphasise to her elder sister how serious she is about following her own path.
- Kissing Discretion Shot: Between Kouta and Haruka, perhaps to represent how her motivations to express her feelings were "tainted," in a sense by Nozomi. The omake in the last chapter and the disappearance of her leggings after the fade to black seem to say a lot more than a kiss occurred in that scene.
- Lame Comeback: When Kouta is yelling at Mami for taking Kanau to spy on his date with Taeko, she responds "What would you do if I suddenly had to give birth!?", which Kouta immediately lampshades. At that point, Mami goes into labor.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
- When Sousuke begins telling Kouta (both of them are manga artists, mind) about Taeko's history.
Kouta: A story about the landlady from 10 years ago...
Sousuke: It's a bit long, but I want you to listen.
Kouta: Uh, just how long is it?
Sousuke: Hmm. If I only had about 32 pages a month... I'd say four to five months' worth.
Kouta: I-I see. That is long...
Sousuke: ...yeah. If it was my own work, I'd worry about getting tired of it.
- Also employed when Serio remarks on the marriage between Sousuke and Taeko. It isn't as subtle since it makes a pot shot at a particular group of his readers.
- It could also be a reference to how certain Kannagi fans reacted when they learned that one of the characters had an ex-boyfriend, implying she might not be a virgin.
- Also employed when Serio remarks on the marriage between Sousuke and Taeko. It isn't as subtle since it makes a pot shot at a particular group of his readers.
- Lolicon: Nicchi is an open and unrepentant lolicon. Played for laughs and Squick value. However, this turns out to be a huge plot point in chapter 58. It's him being a lolicon that lead to the subsequent events of Kanau being born. Nozomi had feelings for him back in high school (and still does), and only used Kouta and Maesawa as ways just to get Nicchi to look at her.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Almost everybody at some point, but Kouta all the time. Hilariously though Niichi also seems to be in the know for everything that is going on but just can't be assed to tell anybody.
- Especially the fact that Nozomi never loved Kohta at all.
- Landlady: Taeko. In the final chapter, she and Sousuke have moved out, so Kouta is the new landlord.
- Love Makes You Evil: What Kouta felt, after his first experience. He couldn't forgive himself for taking the purity of Kanau's mother, even though she was the one that jumped him.
- Turns out that Kanau's mother jumped him just so she could get Nicchi to look at her.
- May-December Romance: Taeko and Sousuke.
- Meganekko: A few characters, but Haruka springs to mind.
- The Messiah: Kanau. Her mere presence seems to have affected nearly everyone's lives for the better.
- Lampshaded in chapter 50, when two of Kanau's friends manage to trace back almost every event they've been through to Kanau herself.
- Missing Mom: The launching point for the manga.
- The mother has returned to take her kids away from their fathers in what could be considered the most Jerkass way possible.
- Mistaken for Servant: Taeko gets mistaken for a waitress in an Akihabara Maid Cafe, because on the one hand all waitresses on that day were dressed up in school uniforms (and Taeko was wearing one) and, on the other hand, she looks older than her actual age. A completely reverse case (mistaken for a schoolgirl) happens once to her mother who looks younger than her actual age, and is actually a waitress in a Cosplay Cafe.
- Mood Whiplash: Sometimes the transitions are smooth, other times you're jerked from farce to drama.
- This is especially true during the Wham! Episode. Revealing that the main character's primary love interest is not only married, but has been for three years, to one of his close friends even and then trying to play it off as comedy is a big reason why some fans dislike it.
- Nakama: Arguably, the tenants of the Higansou apartments
- Nosebleed: Haruka gets a small one at the end of chapter 44, when Kouta comes out of his room in the morning in a suit and glasses.
- Not Good with People: Kimiko is a rather extreme case, to the point where she abandoned her own daughter, Taeko. She does, however, have an excuse for this.
- Oblivious to Love:
- Taeko to Kouta's crush.
- Kouta to Haruka's crush (and to Nozomi's returned interest in him ten years ago, which led ultimately to the events that kicked off the manga when she finally got sick of his obliviousness).
- Subverted: Nozomi never loved Kouta in the first place; she only used him to get her real love interest, Chihiro (Nicchi) to look at her, as she still hasn't given up on him.
- Older Than They Look: Taeko's mother
- Only Sane Man: Considering the residents of the apartment complex, her friends, her own father, and her mother, Kanau comes across as this, at least to herself.
- Operation: Jealousy: By Nozomi Yukimura. Gone horribly wrong and the cause for the majority of the plot so far.
- Parental Abandonment: Taeko's mother, explicitly. Her father isn't present either.
- Kanau herself counts, since her mother just sent her off to the father she'd never met to concentrate on work. She's returned, and intend(ed) to take her kids back without being found. She ultimately gets away too.
- Parental Favoritism: Haruka is the least favored of her siblings, at least according to her.
- Grandparental favoritism also plays a prominent role here, as Mami doesn't want her (and Kouta's) parents to find out that Kanau (and not her own child) is their actual first grandchild.
- Pedophile Priest: Nicchi becomes one by the time of the epilogue.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Haruka's original hairstyle, which imitated her older sister's.
- Pettanko: Haruka. Explicitly discussed in the Pool Episode.
- Porn Stash: To the occasional disgust of Kanau and mortification of Kouta.
- Proud to Be a Geek: As expected of the main otaku cast, but Taeko's grandfather really came as a surprise.
- Replacement Love Interest: Takurou is this, of a sort, for Nozomi. His slight resemblance to Nicchi (primarily their hairstyles and the shape of their jaw) isn't made obvious until the two meet face-to-face during Kanau's birthday party.
- Running Gag: Several. Nicchi's loli tendencies, and his pacification when fed sweets. Kouta's total inability to be badass, even when doing something badass. Kimiko always showing up in cosplay outfits. Also, Nozomi's jobs get increasingly ridiculous.
- Scenery Porn: Plenty of detailed backgrounds.
- Secret Relationship: Sousuke and Taeko. They're married to each other.
- Selective Obliviousness: One of the side characters displays this towards Nicchi.
- Or everybody failing to notice the Nagato family.
- Serious Business: Mami's quest to keep the "first grandchild fever" focused on Saori.
- Ship Tease: Haruka and Kouta. In spades.
- Shout-Out: To plenty of anime and manga series, but the Maison Ikkoku-referencing gags are the best.
- The closing statement by Kouta in chapter 58 might be shout-out to Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human.
- They even manage to have a blatant Touhou (technically IOSYS) Shout-Out in an otherwise serious scene
- Haruko's Old Shame may be one to Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito.
- Chapter 61 has Kouta breaking down Kaiji-style (his nose even turns knife point sharp!)
- Another chapter has Nicchi transform into Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star when talking to Kouta about letting Kanau stay with him.
- In the penultimate chapter, Kanau remembers watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica with Kouta.
- Show Within a Show: Given that one of the main characters is an otaku, this does play some role in the story.
- Sink-or-Swim Fatherhood
- Slasher Smile: Nozomi in the heartrending antepenultimate panel of chapter 61.
- Slice of Life: One of the genres the manga falls under.
- Social Services Does Not Exist: Averted and played straight. They exist and are referred to in the manga, but they never take an active role in the story. Even when they should.
- Take That: You can't help but think that Serio's dialogue in the second panel was a deliberate shot at those who were upset about the Wham! Episode.
- Title Drop: At the second Comiket of the series, one of Kouta's friends came by with a game of this name. It was translated... somewhat differently.
- Tsundere: Haruka towards Kouta.
- Tyke Bomb: Nicchi's uncle likes to train the children at his orphanage in various forms of combat. Mostly for his amusement.
- Villainous Breakdown: Nozomi in the second-to-last chapter when she and Kouta are arguing over Kanau's custody, to the point where she completely puts down Kouta's (and indirectly her new husband's) otaku habits. Kouta's nonplussed response makes the scene all the more gratifying.
- Visible Sigh
- Wham! Episode:
- The revelation that Sousuke and Taeko are married definitely qualifies for one of these. Also has elements of the Shocking Swerve, since it was completely unexpected, though subtle hints were dropped, and completely tosses out the possible Kouta/Taeko relationship.
- The reveal that Kanau has a younger brother.
- The chapter that reveals that Nozomi never loved Kouta from the start, and her real love interest is Nicchi. To top it off, she's come to take Kanau and Tsukamu away from their fathers, with Nicchi helping her.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl and White-Haired Pretty Boy: The true form of the Nagato family.
- Wife Husbandry: Used to prevent an attempt to seize property from Taeko.
- And to make a landlady like the female lead of Maison Ikkoku.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Kanae tries to be, needing her dad to tell her she's 9 and gets to be a little selfish sometimes.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Haruka and her friend Rika, who Squee when viewing Kouta and Nicchi as something more.
- Younger Than They Look: Taeko. Taken together with Taeko's mother being older than she looks, it makes most people think when they're together that they're friends or siblings.
- Or, in one extreme stretch early on, that the roles were reversed and Taeko was the mother of a teenager.
- And if you want to stretch it, Kanae. She was born on Feb 29 so she is technically the age of 2.