Oniisama e.../Characters
The character sheet for Oniisama e...!
Nanako Misonoo
The main character of this story. She is a 16 year old young girl from a middle class background who manages to be accepted in Seiran High, a very prestigious all-girls school, and then is a candidate to come into the high-class group named the Sorority.
- All of the Other Reindeer: She's bullied a LOT by the girls who are envious of her entrance in the Sorority.
- Apologises a Lot
- Anguished Declaration of Love: To Rei.
- Break the Cutie: "Brother... there's no end to my tears!"
- Cute Bookworm
- Daddy's Girl: Lampshaded humorously by Tomoko. Even if he's not her bio dad.
- The Four Loves and I Just Want to Have Friends
- Hiroko Kasahara
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The light to Mariko's dark.
- Love Martyr: Considering all that Rei puts her through, she's very much this.
- Naive Everygirl
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: More than once, Nanako disobeys others to do what she thinks it's the best.
- She's Got Legs: There's quite a bit of focus on Nanako's long and slim legs.
- Shrinking Violet
- Supreme Team Chef: Cooking is one of her hobbies, and she and Tomoko are excellent at it. (Contrasting with Kaoru.) Once she learns that Rei lives alone and doesn't feed herself properly, Nanako decides to cook for her too.)
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly girl to Tomoko's tomboy.
- Tragic Keepsake: Two, and both are from the dead Rei: One of her cigarettes (which Nanako smokes when alone in her room), and Rei's favorite doll which is given to her either by Fukiko (anime) or Rei herself before dying (manga)
- Yamato Nadeshiko: One in training.
- Yuko Mizutani: In the pilot episode, then replaced by Hiroko Kasahara.
Nanako's parents
Nanako's mom and dad. Not exactly. Her dad is actually her stepfather, and married Nanako's mom when she was five. He is also the biological father of Takehiko Henmi.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Prof. Misonoo, in the past.
- Good Parents: It's clear that they love Nanako and try to raise her as lovingly as they can.
- Parents as People: ... Though both of them hide Takehiko's existence to Nanako, and later Mrs. Misonoo asks Takehiko to not reveal their true bond to her either. (In their defense, though, they didn't fully abandon Takehiko after his mother's death, sending him the money he needed until he could fend off by himself).
- Parent with New Paramour: Nanako's mom married Professor Misonoo when Nanako was five.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Nanako's Hot Mom, who's even always seen in a kimono.
- Your Cheating Heart: The Prof. turned to drinking when his first wife left him and took their kid (Takehiko) away with her, and it was during these days that he met Nanako's mom (the beautiful waitress of his favorite pub) and fell for her. However, the letter that demanded Nanako's ousting from the Sorority accused the second Mrs. Misonoo of being a homewrecker, which she obviously wasn't.
Takehiko Henmi (alias Takehiko Misonoo.)
Nanako's former tutor, who helped her to get into Seiran. Nanako writes letter to him to tell her how her highschool life is, and refers to him as "Oniisama" ("Older brother").
He is actually the son of Professor Misonoo, from a former marriage. (Hence why the different surname, with "Henmi" being Takehiko's mom's maiden name.) Therefore he is Nanako's older brother, sorta. Unlike Nanako, he knows about their relationship; however, he hasn't been in direct contact with the Professor for several years, despite the death of his mother some years after the (rather bitter) divorce process, and how both the Prof. and Nanako's mom secretly provided young Takehiko with the money needed for his expenses until he could support himself.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Nanako
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Takeshi Ichinomiya
- Hot Teacher: Was Nanako's Cram School teacher.
- Irony: Nanako calls him "Oniisama" ("dear brother") in her letters. It turns out he's actually her stepbrother, aka the son from Professor Misonoo's first marriage, and he can't tell her.)
- Noble Male, Roguish Male: The noble to Takashi's roguish.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tessho Genda
- Playing Against Type: He doesn't often get to voice calm and cool Bishonen
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Had he attended Fukiko's birthday party 6 years ago, Fukiko would've not gone as crazy as she did...
Tomoko Arikura
Nanako's cheerful and tomboyish best friend, who got into Seiran with her. She is the main anchor between Nanako and Real Life, alongside Takehiko and her parents.
- Ascended Extra: Gets FAR more spotlight in the anime than the manga, since in the first she rekindles her friendship to Nanako much faster than the latter.
- Big Damn Heroes: In the anime, the renewal of her and Nanako's friendship is marked by her rescuing Nanako from bullies.
- Genki Girl
- Naive Everygirl
- Plucky Girl
- Precision F-Strike: Drops a "you bitches"! when Aya's Girl Posse step in on episode 29, followed by a Cat Fight since they insulted Mariko and called her "prospect murderer" for her Girl with Psycho Weapon stint.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Nanako
- Tomboy: Wears her hair in a mix of Hime Cut and Tomboyish Ponytail, and uses pants more often than Nanako. Not to mention she's far more straightforward.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Arguably, to Nanako
- Waka Kanda
Mariko Shinobu
The first friend that Nanako makes in Seiran, and a fellow Sorority candidate. She is straightforward, passionate, and quite clingy to those she cares for.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: She does NOT hesitate to slap Aya Misaki around. Since Aya is the Alpha Bitch, we don't mind.
- Berserk Button: Don't abuse Nanako. Don't try abandoning her. Don't mock her family situation. If you invoke either of them, she'll beat you up. Or attack you with a knife.
- Broken Bird.
- Calling the Old Man Out: To both of her parents, in episode 28.
- Cry Cute: When Kaoru tells her she's okay and thanks her for her support. Aw.
- Dark and Troubled Past - Parent with New Paramour: Her father not only writes porn novels, but later he leaves Mariko and her mom for the actress he was dating on the side. Needless to say, it has an horrible effect on poor Mariko.
- Does Not Like Men: Due to her Disappeared Dad. Until she starts interacting more with Takeshi (and maybe dating him), though to be fair he's pretty patient with her.
- Fan Girl: Of Kaoru
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: In her case, a boxcutter.
- Hot-Blooded: Has some moments, specially if you push her buttons.
- I Just Want to Be Loved
- I'm Not Hungry: Refuses to eat after the incident with Nanako. Nanako calls her out on it, and later she passes out.
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The dark to Nanako's light.
- Miss Exposition: Is frequently seen explaining Seiran-related stuff to Nanako and Tomoko. She's kinda fond of creepy stories, too.
- Precision F-Strike: Once, when Aya harrasses her, Mariko lets out a rather epic "bitches like you don't know when to quit!"
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Sakiko Tamagawa
- Shower of Angst: A bath of angst, after the incident with Nanako.
- Tsundere: To Kaoru, and later Takeshi.
- We Used to Be Friends: She and Aya, in the anime.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Gets one from Kaoru, and later another from Nanako
- Yandere: Very, very possessive of Nanako, to the point of trying to destroy her friendship with Tomoko, then threatening to kill Nanako.
- Younger Than They Look: With her ruby-red lips and Raven Hair, Ivory Skin features, 16-year-old Mariko looks at least 18. Lampshaded twice: when she and Nanako take a bath together and Nanako notices that Mariko is very curvaceous compared to her; and when, in the fair episode, Takashi directly asks Mariko "what, are you really sixteen?!"
Aya Misaki
Another Sorority candidate, as well as Mariko's rival. Once she doesn't get chosen, she starts attacking Nanako and Mariko...
- Alpha Bitch
- Cry for the Devil: In the anime, when Mariko realizes that she and Aya are Not So Different, she ends up bawling for both of them and has a huge Heroic BSOD..
- Heel Face Turn. In the anime rendition of the Sorority Disolution arc, she's made somewhat more sympathetic, and it culminates in this.
- Hidden Depths: Again in the anime, the aforementioned Dissolution arc shows us what lays behind her psyche. It's... not pretty.
- Interrupted Suicide: In the TV series, after karma catches with her, Aya is left so devistated that she almost drowns herself in the sea, but is stopped by Nanako and Tomoko. Mariko arrives later and gives her a You Are Not Alone speech, rekindling their broken friendship.
- Masako Katsuki
- Pet the Dog: She shows genuine kindness to her Big Friendly Dog, Halloween. That, and she does care for her Girl Posse.
- The Rival: More to Mariko than to Nanako.
- We Used to Be Friends: Anime only. Mariko explains that they were relatively close in middle school, but Aya threw her under the bus in a sports competition and things never were the same from then on.
- Taking the Heat: In the anime, when Miyuki and Megumi steal and try to burn the signatures for the Sorority dissolution (under the orders of Ogiwara and Komabayashi), Aya takes the blame.
- Rich Bitch
- Too Dumb to Live: Aya's supreme arrogance and belief that she can pull a Karma Houdini on almost everything get her verbally or physically mauled more than once. Specially when she taunts her rival Mariko due to her horrible home life - she pressed Mariko's biggest Berserk Button to the freaking bottom and ended up slashed by her boxcutter.
Fukiko Ichinomiya aka "Miya-sama"
The leader of the very exclusive Sorority and daughter to the very rich and noble Ichinomiya family, as well as one of the "Magnificent Three" of Seiran alongside Rei and Kaoru. Very composed and calm and a born leaderess, but with a far more complicated mind.
- Aloof Big Sister: To Rei.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: She gives one to Nanako, but it turns out to be fake.
- Berserk Button: You should neither make any allusions (even if accidental) towards her onesided love for Takehiko, nor speak openly against anything related to the Sorority. Expect some huge retribution if you do.
- Break the Haughty
- Domestic Abuse: The way she treats Rei is horrible.
- Mami Koyama
- Manipulative Bitch: Specially to poor Rei, and later to Nanako.
- Precision F-Strike: A magnificent, overblown, and very hammy "You shameless BITCH!" , towards Rei, during her BSOD in the birthday party.
- Princess Curls
- Room Full of Crazy: Which is full of Creepy Dolls and memorabilia of her time spent with her crush Takehiko, to the point of forbidding anybody to enter her room, has obsessively arranged the items and has left them unchanged for six years.
- School Idol
- Student Council President
- The First Cut Is the Deepest: Fukiko decides to never fall in love again after Rei dies, Takehiko returns to Kaoru's side, and she goes through quite the Break the Haughty.
- Yandere: She may not be a Psycho Lesbian for her sister Rei or for Nanako, but she still counts as one...for Takehiko.
Kaoru Orihara aka "Kaoru no Kimi"
The second of the "Magnificent Three", Kaoru is also the most tomboyish and levelheaded. She and Rei have been friends for years, and loathes Fukiko for her treatment of her. She takes a Cool Big Sis role for Nanako, Mariko and Tomoko, as she is the Class Representative to their class (due to some personal problems she had to be held back for a year, thus she's a first year student despite being older than the rest). Also has romantic ties to Takehiko, and a huge secret in regards to her health.
- Berserk Button: She has two. First, don't bully someone in front of her. Second, please don't neglect your own health.
- Bifauxnen
- Bait and Switch Lesbians (or maybe Bi the Way): She marries Nanako's stepbrother Takehiko, her old boyfriend, after Rei's death.
- Break His Heart to Save Him: Because Kaoru loved Takehiko and didn't want him to suffer for her illness, she broke up with him after showing him her mastectomy scars.
- Bully Hunter: Very, very protective of Rei and Nanako. The third episode has her physically mauling Aya and her Girl Posse when they start bullying Nanako in class, and she also stands up to Fukiko several times.
- Broken Bird: Less than others, but still.
- Cool Big Sis: To Nanako and Mariko, and to Tomoko too in the anime.
- Class Representative: Subverted, as she's pretty decent at her job but doesn't exactly have the archetypical traits.
- Hot-Blooded
- Ill Girl: Has breast cancer. In fact, she had to go through a mastectomy at age 16.
- Keiko Toda
- Lethal Chef
- Only Sane Woman: The most down to Earth among the main girls.
- Passionate Sports Girl: A member of the school's basketball team and a very talented athlete. And when she suffers an injury to her chest in the middle of a basketball game and is unable to play fully due to her illness, Rei takes Kaoru's place.
- School Idol
- Tomboy
Rei Asaka aka "Hana no Saint Juste"
The third member of the "Magnificent Three", a beautiful artist/musician and former basketball player. Nanako attempts to help and befriend her, but it'll be very complicated. Specially due to her... very convoluted relationship with her older half-sister, Fukiko.
- Bifauxnen
- Broken Bird
- Butch Lesbian: It's more obvious in her relationship with Nanako (who would be the femme in this case).
- Driven to Suicide: In the manga. The anime bowdlerizes it into an accident. Then again, Bury Your Gays...
- It's not even the first time she's attempted it. At some point Kaoru takes her bracelet by force and this reveals a scar on Rei's wrist, coming from her slitting it open in the past.
- In episode 12, she reveals that she and Fukiko made a suicide pact of sorts, and under the influence of a fever and drugs she tries to fulfill it... with Nanako. She barely stops once she realizes that she was about to Kick the Wrong Dog, and collapses in tears.
- Also, in the anime there's a subversion. Rei's death is a genuine accident (she fell in the path of a train while in her way to a meeting/date with Nanako), but almost everyone except for Kaoru believes that Rei killed herself. The police later dispell this, when a boy who witnessed the accident tells them what truly went on.
- Elegant Classical Musician: Accomplished piano, violin and guitar player.
- Heroic Bastard: Daughter of the Ichinomiya patriarch and one of the maids.
- Knife Nut
- Love Martyr: To her older sister Fukiko.
- The Ophelia
- Passionate Sports Girl: In the past, she was in the school's basketball team, but she has stopped playing. The reasons vary in each continuity: in the anime Fukiko forbids her from playing basketball again, but in the manga she quits playing on her own free will. And when Kaoru is unable to play fully due to her illness, she plays to back Kaoru up and she takes Kaoru's place when Kaoru suffers an injury to her chest during an important basketball game.
- Princess Curls
- Room Full of Crazy: Two. One is her "secret spot" at the school tower, the other is her whole apartment.
- School Idol
- Shower of Angst: More than one.
- Sisterly Incest: Towards her older sister Fukiko.
- Sumi Shimamoto
- Tragic Keepsake: A Creepy Doll and golden bracelet, given to her by the abusive Fukiko.
- Woman in Black: Though her personality is much different from the standard WIB one.
- Woman in White: If she's in her night gown instead. And when she died in the anime, she was wearing a white suit.
Takashi Ichinomiya
Fukiko's older brother, as well as Takehiko and Rei's close friend. Rei is his half-sister, actually.
- Big Brother Mentor: Not as strongly as Takehiko, but still tries to be one to Rei and sometimes to Nanako.
- Casanova
- Cool Car
- The Hedonist: Though still nicer than the standard hedonist. Most likely due to having to deal with his two very... complex younger sisters, Fukiko and Rei. I.e., in the anime he's seen visiting Rei in her apartment and trying to get her to quit smoking, since he's very worried about her health.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Him and Takehiko.
- Kenyuu Horiuchi
- Man in White: Ofter wears a white suit.
- Noble Male, Roguish Male: The roguish to Takehiko's noble.
- Princely Young Man: Mixes the Yamato Nadeshiko and the Ice King type.
- Uncle Pennybags: Doesn't mind giving Takehiko rides in his Cool Car, spends a good part of his wealth on treating his friends, and ultimately pays for everything in Kaoru and Takehiko's wedding so they will be happy.
Hisako Shinobu, nèe Hisako Shikiya
Mariko's kind and gentle mother, whom she's very close to.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: In the manga she's cute, but still Hollywood Homely (lampshaded by Mariko). In the anime, she's a downright Hot Mom.
- Cooldown Hug: On Mariko, when in episode 29 she tries to throw herself off her balcony in her Heroic BSOD state.
- Hot Mom
- The Ojou
- Parents as People: Has huge problems of her own, but tries to be a good mom to Mariko.
- Rags to Riches: According to Mariko, Hikawa and Hisako Shinobu were very poor when they got married, then got progressively richer as Hikawa's novelist career flourished. (Though at the cost of them growing apart, as well as Mr. Shinobu having to write his succesful erotica rather than the more meaningful literature he was fond of.)
- Rihoko Yoshida
- Stepford Smiler: Hides the terrible pain coming from her and Mr. Shinobu's decaying relationship. In the anime, Mariko calls her out on it. "Mom! you... you're crying again!".
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
"Lady Borgia" Ogiwara
A high-ranked lady from the Sorority, and a close friend of "Lady Mona Lisa" Komabayashi. In the anime it's explained that she has always been deathly jealous of Fukiko, and tries to upstage her. The results are... a complete disaster.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: Sorta. She looks VERY different in the manga, with a Bob Haircut instead of a chignon hairbun.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: Tries to hit Junko's friends when it turns out they signed the petitions too. Fukiko stops her, however.
- She does bitchslap Yamamoto when she points out that Fukiko is better than her, after Ogiwara has been kicked out of the Sorority.
- Ascended Extra: Had a minor role in the manga, then the anime gave her quite the spotlight in the Sorority dissolution arc.
- Berserk Button: Neither refuse to answer her questions, nor talk back to her.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Emi Shinohara
- Meaningful Name: Come on, would you blindly trust a person who nicknames herself Borgia of all people?
- My God, What Have I Done?
- The Rival: To Fukiko
- The Starscream.
- Smug Snake
"Lady Mona Lisa" Komabayashi
Another high-ranked Sorority girl, called Mona Lisa due to having a mysterious smile and dark black hair like the famous painting. "Lady Borgia" Ogiwara is her closest friend. She actually confronts Nanako about her and Fukiko's deals first. Later she and Ogiwara team up...
- Number Two: Said to be this to Fukiko in the manga.
- The Quiet One
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Shinobu Adachi
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: When Ogiwara corners Nanako and almost tosses her off a balcony and into the river (unintentionally, as she only wanted to know more about her and Fukiko but didn't plan to harm Nanako seriously), Komabayashi has a huge breakdown. She saves Nanako and then collapses in tears, begging Ogiwara to stop and hugging her.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: And how.
"Lady Medusa" Katsuragi
Another high-ranked Sorority girl, and the one that Fukiko is in best terms with.
- Messy Hair: Which is the cause of her "Medusa" nickname.
- Number Two: Apparently, to Fukiko. Komabayashi is mentioned to be this, but Katsuragi seems to be personally closer to her.
- Kumiko Takizawa
"Lady Cattleya" Yamamoto
Another high-ranked Sorority girl, she seems to get along well with the younger members. She and "Vampanella" Hoshino also seem to be close friends.
- Designated Victim: During the Sorority dissolution arc, Yamamoto gets struck in the face almost once per episode.
- Flower Motifs: Cattleya is a certain kind of orchid.
- Nice Girl: Seems to be the most down-to-Earth among the eldest Sorority girls.
- Professional Butt-Kisser: Is accused of being this to Fukiko, by Ogiwara. Bonus for her trying to smack-talk Ogiwara and getting slapped for her trouble.
- Satoko Yasunaga
"Lady Vampanella" Hoshino
The last of the higher-ranked Sorority girls, and a good friend of "Lady Cattleya" Yamamoto.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Has a big red bow on her ponytail
- Miyuki Matsuoka
- Smoking Is Cool: Only when off-school, though.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tomboyish Ponytail: Subverted, she has her hair in one but isn't exactly a tomboy.
Junko Nakaya
A junior Sorority member, who came in alongside Nanako and Mariko. Episode 15 of the anime focuses on her and her issues.
- A Day in the Limelight: Episode 15
- Break the Cutie: And how.
- Green-Eyed Monster: To Nanako, which she admits. Nowhere as bad as Aya, obviously.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Her red hairbows
- Ill Girl: The reason why her grades took enough of a nosedive to get her out of the Sorority was a high fever.
- The Ingenue
- Mayumi Setou
- Nice Girl
- The Bus Came Back: Isn't seen a lot after her episode, but reappears in the "Sorority disolution" arc.
Megumi Furuta and Miyuki Sonobe
Aya Misaki's Girl Posse, and apparently the only friends she has in school.
- A Day in the Limelight: Share episode 30 with Aya.
- Bob Haircut: Megumi
- Canon Foreigner: Aya acted on her own in the manga, so her Girl Posse is pretty much anime-exclusive.
- Girlish Pigtails: Miyuki
- Girl Posse
- Miki Itou: Megumi
- Satellite Character: Their whole schtick is reduced to hanging around Aya and helping her bully other girls. Tomoko and Kaoru don't approve. Except for episode 30, where they show some Character Depth.
- Undying Loyalty: Megumi and Miyuki's affection and care for Aya turns out to be surprisingly genuine... and the eldest Sorority girls take advantage of it in episode 30, via promising to make Aya a Sorority member if they sabotage the signature process that seeks to dissolve the group. When they're caught and Aya protects them via blaming herself, the girls have a change of heart and explain what truly happened in tears.
- Those Two Girls
- Yumi Takada: Miyuki