One and Only Son
One and Only Son is a Code Geass/Mobile Suit Gundam 00 crossover written by Juubi-K. The story develops as this: in 2004 ATB, the Federal Republic of Krugis request aid from the Holy Britannian Empire and the Emperor sends his Knight of One, Bismarck Waldstein to help to stabilize the region. The operation is successful and Krugis is incorporated in the Empire as Area 7, with Bismarck as its Vice-Roy, who allows it to keep its cultural identity.
There, he is impressed by the courage of a street urchin named Soran, who fights until the end while outnumbered and decides to adopt him as his son. As Alexander B. Waldstein, he is the son of the best knight of the Empire and follow the military career, taking account his friendship with Lelouch and Nunnally, the death of Empress Marianne, his knighting by Cornelia and his training in the military academy.
He is eventually transferred to Japan when Cornelia goes there to replace Clovis and meets Lelouch, though he does not recognize him, while the Euro Universe with its team, led by Ali Al-Sanchez, who helps the Black Knights fight against Britannia.
- All Asians Are Alike: This was the Chinese strategy to place its troops on Fukuoka.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Michael Trinity. And what Carline thinks of Nunnally Up to Eleven, of course.
- Anticlimax Boss: Mao could be seen as one example, because he is shoot uncerimoniously by Alexander after revealing his past.
- Armor-Piercing Question: Of Type 2, when Princess Marina asks Alexander if he's a boy named Soran and he really gets angry. But thanks to Mena, they solve the misunderstanding which is not a misunderstanding, they are cool now.
- Berserk Button: See above for Alexander. Same with Cornelia when she ripped on Soran, because he didn't do anything to impede Euphemia to create the SAZ. She felt bad afterward.
- Big Badass Battle Sequence: The finale of its equivalent of R1.
- Blood Knight: Hamid, but he has reasons.
- Boot Camp Episode: Part of Alexander's Character Development, his training in the Benedict Arnold Military Academy is described with detail.
- Break the Cutie: Soran saw Marianne's corpse and a traumatized Nunnally before Cornelia covered his eyes.
- Child Prodigy: Jacque Saint-Clare.
- Cool Big Sis: Cornelia is this for Alexander.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Alexander when he was young to a T (had ladies of all ages after him!) and of course Lelouch as well. In the present, Jacque Saint-Clare is another example.
- Dead Little Brother: Hamid lost his brother during the Krugisian Civil War. It turns out that his brother's name is Soran.
- Deadly Decadent Court: Carline, she discuss with Nena which siblings they should kill.
- Death by Childbirth: How Alexander’s mother died in the official version.
- Establishing Character Moment: Hamid has his one when he hijacks a Ganymede prototype in Tal Afar, wreaks havoc between the Krugisian military and then shoots the dog.
"Sorry guys, but the bastards win every time. And I'm the biggest bastard of them all!"
- Evil Versus Evil: Hamid versus Luciano. You cheer for them kill each other.
- For Want of a Nail: During the incorporation of Krugis, Bismarck adopts Soran, who was a street boy and had a brother who likes to call himself Hamid.
- Fusion Fic: Characters of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 added to Code Geass universe.
- Gambit Pileup
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Kati Mannequin to Saji, after he discovers his sister killed Euphemia.
- Gray and Grey Morality: The EU is not perfect, but it’s the lighter shade of gray of the setting. Lampshaded by Hamid:
“Even the last bastion of freedom and democracy has dirty work that needs doing”.
- Good Republic, Evil Empire: Krugis and Britannia. Krugis is portrayed as being pacifists Token Good Teammate to Britannia, but which extent of this reflects the Krugisian society is up to debate.[1]
- Gundamjack: Hamid is very efficient to steal Britannian technology to the EU.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Michael.
- Hero Antagonist: Lelouch, especially after Euphemia's death. Since, differently from canon, she didn't go nuts and it wasn't him who killed Euphemia, Zero tries to set her as a martyr against the Britannian occupation and rally the Japanese.
- Hero of Another Story: Basically the entire point of the fic, even if Soran is on the Empire's side.
- Heroic BSOD: Alexander suffers a bad one with Empress Marianne’s death. His father had to say a Get a Hold of Yourself, Man! speech to him.
- Honor Before Reason: Hamid chastises the Britannians for this trait.
- And in Fukuoka, it's shown he's Not So Above It All.
- Ho Yay: Luluko and Alexander, especially after the "I Love You" speech, not to mention that Suzaku gets too much in character during the transformist festival.
- I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me: Pretty much Shirley. She gets complimented by it by Mena.
- Innocent Prodigy: Alexander. The Luluko incident only deepens this trait.
- Killed Mid-Sentence: Euphemia.
- Les Yay: Nena and Carline.
- Love Is a Weakness: What Graham thought of love during his interactions with Villeta, but Soma makes him realise how wrong he is.
- Male Gaze: Neil and Allejujah Haptism (the latter with teasing of his evil side).
- Meaningful Rename: From Soran to Alexander Bismarck Waldstein.
- Morality Chain: Lelouch realizes, after geassing Hamid to reveal his motivations, how important Nunnally is to him, or else he would be just like him.
- The Mourning After: Graham to Viletta. However...
- Playing the Victim Card: Nena, when she accusses Alexander of harassing her. Thanks to Mena revealing the truth, it ends fair for him.
- Punch Clock Villain: The Knight of Rounds, by canon, but Bismarck here takes Up to Eleven.
- Rags to Riches: The entire point of Soran's adoption.
- Reason You Suck Speech: Hamid to Kallen, on her terrorist activities.
- Religious Stereotype: Before the Britannian incorportation, East Krugistan was basically filled with fundamentalists, compared with Central Krugis' moderate monarchs and West Krugis' pro-democractic stance.
- The Rival: Hamid to Alexander, to the point of their confrontation in Fukuoka is almost a Non Sequitur Scene.
- Secret Keeper: Lelouch knows about Alexander's past.
- Ship Tease: There is lot of indications of Shirley/Alexander.
- And it seems those indications are evolving.
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Selim was the only one from Hamid’s team to make it alive from the Knightmare hangar in Tal Afar and then Hamid kills him without remorse.
- Luciano does this to Kinue, however he gave her a dose of Refrain before she died.
- Shower of Awkward: Alexander accidentally sees Cornelia naked and ran away, and then he accidentally stumbles upon a plan of the guys to steal panties from the girls.
- Smitten Teenage Girl: Shirley towards Alexander.
- Terrorist-Killer Terrorist: Hamid.
- The Wiki Rule: Has its own wikia.
- Three Amigos: Alexander, Suzaku and Rai.
- Token Minority: Cyrus Abdullah, for some reason that has to be explained yet, is currently the only non-Britannian Knight of the Round. He still gets a lot of racism, though.
- Undying Loyalty: Alexander refuses to abandon Cornelia when Lelouch requests his services and then he has to use his Geass to make him forget it.
- Xanatos Roulette: What Carline and Nena are planning.
- Wham! Episode: Chapter 15. Euphemia dies, but in a different way than canon, and we discover that Hamid and Soran are siblings.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Nonnette believes that Princess Marina is very wise when it comes to war issues.
- ↑ Some readers are even suspecting that Krugis is under Alternate History Wank thanks to the Britannian incorporation.