< One Life Remaining

One Life Remaining/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Kathryn's dad, who is a jerk even though he KNOWS Kathryn has mental issues. His behaviour only helps push her farther off the edge.
    • Using his own daughter as a guinea pig undoubtedly counts as him crossing the Moral Event Horizon.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: It's a comedy by Jon CJ Graham. It's going to be filled with them.
    • Pete calling Anthony's mom thinking the number was for the pizza guy.

Pete: Go jump in an ocean of cocks!

    • Chad going to college.

"Will I need a pencil?"

  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Pete gets fired from his job so he can rush home and save Anthony and Chad from getting arrested for possesion as part of Kathryn's plan for revenge against Anthony in Season 1's finale.
    • Later inverted in S2E9, when Sarah tells Anthony to leave her alone.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Pete, though this was probably intended. He's promoted to a main character at the end of Season 1.
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