One Last Party Favor
ppOne Last Party Favor]] is one of the better-known fansequels to Le Petit Four, itself a well-known sequel to the infamous My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfic, Cupcakes.
The story begins with Twilight Sparkle researching a short string of bizarre disappearances. Spike is sent out to gather information, and notices suspicious happenings at Pinkie Pie's house. Pinkie Pie, believing that too much of her secret had been given away, gives Spike drugged food. He wakes up sometime later in a dark basement, and you know the drill.
The story is here.
Tropes used in One Last Party Favor include:
- Axe Crazy: Pinkie Pie until her memory gets wiped by Celestia
- Big Damn Heroes: Celestia, who suddenly saves Twilight with telepathic powers.
- Cycle of Revenge
- Disproportionate Retribution
- Evilly Affable: Pinkie.
- Genuine Human Hide
- Grotesque Cute
- I Ate What?: Subverted with Pinkie poisoning Spike's drink instead of his much more questionable cupcakes.
- Instant Sedation
- Lighter and Softer: It contains a great deal less Cold-Blooded Torture and Gorn than either Le Petit Four or Cupcakes
- Not to mention that, in terms of mutilation, Pinkie only managed to cut halfway through Twilight's horn before Celestia arrived.
- Lottery of Doom: Just Like Cupcakes and Le Petit Four , Pinkie selects her victims using this.
- Room Full of Crazy
- Scenery Porn: The fic's full of descriptions of the Torture Cellar.
- Shout-Out
- Torture Cellar
- What The Hell, Princess Celestia?: Celestia saves Twilight Sparkle from Pinkie Pie... and then lets a violently-insane sociopathic killer go back to her family with no guarantee that she won't go mad again.
- To be fair, she DID erase her memory of being a killer.
- Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Subverted. When Twilight comes to save Spike, Pinkie just hits her on the head instead of feeding her cupcakes.
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