One Got Fat

One Got Fat is a 1963 bicycle safety film narrated by Edward Everett Horton. In the film, ten friends who are children with monkey masks and tails, plan on going to the park for a picnic. They all ride there on their bikes, but each one meets a different fate on their way to the park as a result of their failure to follow specific bike safety rules (like not making hand signals, not reading traffic signs, not riding with traffic, riding double, or riding on the sidewalk). One by one, each of the friends makes a mistake and suffers an interesting fate. In the end only one of the friends (who not only followed all the bike safety rules, but is also a normal human, whose face is not shown until the very end) makes it to the park and eats all the food by himself. Thus, as the title says, "One got fat!". It can be viewed here.
- Bloodless Carnage
- Can't Get Away with Nuthin': Rooty-Toot Jasperson gets hit by a car after failing to make one hand signal after his arm gets tired.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Orville Slump
- Cozy Voice for Catastrophes: Horton's narration is always cheerful, even while the kids are being injured or possibly killed.
- Deadpan Snarker: Horton when anybody in the group is killed or injured.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: Averted, as their monkey masks are terrifying.
- Expressive Mask: Some of the masks change when the characters meet their ends. It's pretty terryfying.
- Killed Off for Real: Not explicit, but seeing as how the characters meet fates such as being hit by traffic and getting run over by a goddamned steamroller, it's more than likely that not all of the monkeys survived.
- Nice Hat: Rooty-Toot Jasperson, Phillip Floogal, and Stanislaw Hickenbottom each have one.
- Scare'Em Straight
- Unfortunate Names: With names like Mossby Pomegranate, Tinkerbell McDillinfiddy, and Rooty-Toot Jasperson, these kids would most likely be subjected to endless bullying in real life.