< One, Two, Three

One, Two, Three/Funny

  • MacNamara and Otto's first meeting.

Otto: I spit on your money. I spit on Fort Knox. I spit on Wall Street.
MacNamara: Unsanitary little jerk, isn't he?

    • And let's not forget the finale...

Otto: We will take over West Berlin. We will take over Western Europe. We will bury you!
MacNamara: Do me a favor. Bury us but don't marry us.

  • The chase seen, when the russians are after Mac and the gang. I love how thier car keeps falling apart peice by peice!
  • When poor Schlemmer has returned from East Berlin still wearing Ingeborg's dress.
  • I loved it when Otto is about to have a another break-down, and Scarlet is the practical one!

Otto: I will not have my son grow up to be a capitalist!
Scarlet: When he's 18 he can deciede for himself, whether he wants to be a capitalist or a rich communist.

  • I laughed when Otto bursts into Mac's office wearing boxers, shirt, tie and a morning coat and tells Mac about his "big plans".

Otto: You know, I think I'm going to like this job!
MacNamara: It's about time you started cooperating.
Otto: You know what the first thing is I'm going to do? I'm going to lead the workers down there in revolt!
MacNamara: Put your pants on, Spartacus!

  • When Otto's about to have a complete mental break-down, and Peripetchikoff is no help at all.

Otto: Is everybody in this world corrupt?!
Peripetchikoff: I don't know everybody.

    • MacNamara tries putting things into perspective, that doesn't help Otto feel any better.

MacNamara: Look at it this way kid. Any civilization that can produce the Taj Mahal, William Shakespeare, and Stripe toothpaste can't be all bad.

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