< Once More with Feeling

Once More with Feeling/Funny

  • Shinji horrified that he will have to eat Misato's food again.
  • Shinji learning that Kaji was the one who taught Misato to Drive, much to his horror.
  • Shinji slaying Samshel and then asking "Who is up for fried squid?"
  • Hikari and Touji's sister chewing Touji and Kensuke out after they leave the shelter during a battle.
  • "I need to change the logo on my NERV patch to 'Asuka is angry with me, all is right with the world'" -~ Shinji shortly after reuniting with Asuka.
  • Shinji's reaction when Asuka and Rei were apparently bonding.
  • Kaji and Shinji buying Misato a book titled "Parenting for Dummies", and Shinji joking that the bookstore had run out of "Parenting for Guardians of Temperamental Germans" to Asuka's face.
  • Rei -- Rei! -- shouting to Kensuke.
  • Rei after a makeover "calibrating" the effect her new look has on boys by wowing a table of gamers in a store.
  • Kaji gives Shinji a picture of Gendo holding a gun in one hand, an adorable kitten in the other, and a caption reading: "PILOT THE EVANGELION! or the kitten gets it."
  • Shinji waves back to Chihiro, the hottest girl in school (second-hottest after Asuka arrives), who has expressed an interest in him. Shinji then thinks that "thanks to his limited understanding of women, this could be taken to mean anything from 'hi there' to 'yes, I would like to marry you'."
  • Shinji compares the thought of Asuka and his father facing off against each other to watching someone play with the arming codes to N2 bombs... and considers the latter to be safer.
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