< Old Kingdom

Old Kingdom/YMMV

Nick: Wait - is this allowed?
Disreputable Dog: (Beat) No. But then, I am the Disreputable Dog.

  • Fridge Brilliance: This falls into the category of "Blindingly obvious once you realize it," but the reason Sam has so much trouble trying to read The Book of the Dead isn't just PTSD regarding anything to do with Death, it's that the Book can only be opened by someone with a natural talent for Free Magic and necromancy. Sam doesn't have one
    • Actually, Sam does have some talent for it, as he is capable of crossing into death, but he just wasn't meant to be the Abhorsen-in-waiting, and the book knows it.
  • Fridge Horror: The Dead themselves. The protagonists are always talking about innocent people being killed and having their spirits enslaved and hoping like heck it doesn't happen to them, but it's all too easy to forget that a lot of the baddies that are doing things of their own relatively free will, all the Greater Dead, used to be human as well.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Depending on either your opinion of Mogget, or where you are in the series. Mogget does get better, mostly over the course of the third book. But even though Mogget can be quite caustic when he is criticizing the plans and plots of several characters, or griping about his slavery or the incompetency of his keepers, he both does his part when crisis strikes and sometimes does things that are not required of him. And at the very end, when those who are standing in for the original Seven are just about to falter, Mogget steps in and adds his power to the binding and helps to save the world.
  • Tear Jerker: Mogget gives Lirael the message from her mother. And then Lirael loses her first friend, the Dog.
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