Oh! My Lady
A Korean Series that ran in 2010, the story of Oh! My Lady revolves around a spunky 35-year-old divorced housewife, Yoon Gae Hwa. She takes on the job of managing prickly top star Sung Min Woo to earn enough money to regain custody of her child from her ex-husband. Romantic hijinks and hilarity ensue when they find themselves in an awkward living situation as Min Woo pays Gae Hwa to take care of his daughter, Ye Eun. The series explores the idea of Second Love.
Tropes used in Oh! My Lady include:
- Bland-Name Product: Min Woo wears a "Permes of Paris" t-shirt (Epi 7).
- Cute Mute: Ye Eun
- Giftedly Bad: Sung Min Woo can't act himself out of a paper bag.
- Innocent Cohabitation
- K-Pop: Si Won, the actor who plays Min Woo, is an Idol Singer from the group Super Junior.
- Lampshade Hanging: Episode 4, Gae Hwa: "This is not a Korean TV Drama!"
- Likes Older Women: Min Woo is first to admit his feelings for Gae Hwa.
- Orbital Kiss: An interesting take, as the camera pulls back and shows another camera crew circling the actors as they kiss on set.
- Orbital Shot: When Ye Eun gets lost at the mall.
- Paparazzi: Reporter Han
- Product Displacement: The vehicle logos are duct taped. Also the beer glasses
- Shirtless Scene: Sung Min Woo, and how. Admittedly, this is the reason why he's a popular actor, who can't act.
- Spit Take: Gae Hwa, when Min Woo first proposes she be "a mother" to Ye Eun. With wine. All over Min Woo.
- The Musical
- Wrong Guy First: Gae Hwa is divorced.
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