Office Jerk

Office Jerk is a Casual Game made by Fluik Entertainment for the iPhone and Android. The entire premise of the game involves pelting the titular Jerk with various objects as he's sitting at his desk trying to work. A fan moves from one side of the screen to the other and changes speeds (noted at the bottom of the screen), influencing how what you throw flies. You can also hit objects in the background like the picture of the Jerk or the window in the office door. As you land hits, you earn points which vary depending on what you hit; if you miss, the score resets to 0 and you have to start over again.

A companion game, Office Zombie, is exactly the same game, but with a horror-themed twist to the character, environment, and objects. There is also a Christmas edition of Jerk.

Tropes used in Office Jerk include:

Common to both games

  • Bribing Your Way to Victory: Some items in both games have to be purchased. The games also allow you to earn coins (in Jerk) and eyeballs (in Zombie) for completing certain objectives which can be used to obtain items.
  • The Computer Shall Taunt You: In both games, you'll get snarked at if you miss.
    • With the Jerk, it can be anything from a snort to actually turning around and laughing, along with other gestures.
    • The Zombie sometimes snorts, but will usually turn around and laugh at you...and then he has to reset his jaw.
  • Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: A squid is Fluik's mascot, and it's a projectile in both games.
  • Eye Am Watching You: Both the Jerk and Zombie do this as taunts. The Jerk does the standard version. The Zombie takes his right eye out, points at it, points at you, and then sticks the eye back in the socket.
  • First-Person Shooter: Technically speaking.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Both the Jerk and Zombie.
  • Shows Damage: Both the Jerk and Zombie in various ways, depending on what they get hit with.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: It's pretty much the entire point of these games.

Found in Office Jerk

  • Rage Breaking Point: With some of the items, if you hit the Jerk enough times, he'll throw the item back at you.
  • Spit Take: The Jerk spews coffee if he takes a drink after you've landed something in his mug.
  • Squick: The Jerk is grossed out by the brain, both when it hits him in the face and when he catches it.

Found in Office Zombie

  • Anvil on Head: Occasionally an anvil will be lowered from the ceiling which you can drop on the Zombie's head by hitting it with an object.
  • Brain Food: The Zombie leans back and says "Braaaaaains!" as one of his taunts. Also, several brains-related voice clips play in the background like intercom announcements, such as "Brains, line 1" or "Need brains in lunchroom."
  • Darker and Edgier: Everything about Zombie in comparison to Jerk.
  • Eye Scream: Depending on the item, you can hit the Zombie in the eye or knock his right eye out of his skull.
  • Losing Your Head: You can cut the Zombie's head off with a couple of items. When you throw it back, he'll stick it back on his neck and be good as new.
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