< Of Love and Bunnies

Of Love and Bunnies/YMMV

  • Crack Pairing: Conner and Kat, aka, one of his science teacher's ex-girlfriends. When they start hitting it off, the other ex-rangers are a mix of confused, horrified, and finding it hilarious.
    • Hunter falls in Love At First Sight with Vida, who really doesn't appreciate it...
      • According to Chip, she really must like Hunter, else she'd have bitten his head off. (or something)
  • Crazy Awesome: If you are a Power Ranger, you are this trope. No exceptions. Repeatedly lampshaded throughout the fic.
  • Die for Our Ship: Averted. Despite heavily shipping Tommy/Kim, Kat is doing just fine.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The author notes for chapter 6 comment on how the story is going to be a long one, possibly twenty five chapters.
    • The Rangers freak out when they learn that Bulk is having a kid. Come Power Rangers Samurai, Skull is the one with the kid.
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