Octopus Pie

Octopus Pie is a Slice of Life Web Comic written and drawn by Meredith Gran. It centers around the daily life of twentysomething Everest Ning (Eve for short), her stoner roommate Hanna, and their circle of friends. The story is set in modern-day Brooklyn, NY.
The stories mostly revolve around Eve's everyday life, dealing with her family's quirks, her roommate's bizarre antics, and trying to find romance, fulfillment, and a job that doesn't suck.
- Alt Text: Used inconsistently; it may be an actual bonus comment or simply the number and title of the page.
- Art Evolution: Jump-started by chapter 10 being drawn on paper (as opposed to via tablet) for the sake of averting Schedule Slip.
- Art Shift: "Love Comics" is the stand-out.
- Awesome McCoolname: America Jones. It even has stars in it when said out loud!
- Berserk Button:
- Eve has a burning grudge against hipsters and stoners, though this has eases off as the comic progresses.
- Hanna doesn't care for her pastries being likened to Twinkies.
- Bi the Way: Even though a recurring subplot has Julie chasing Jacob, she references having made an unsuccessful pass at Eve at some point.
- Blinding Bangs: Marek.
- The Comically Serious: Discussed.
Marek: But really, the deadpan is the key. You can essentially trick people into laughing at nothing.
Eve: Oh Marek, you card.
- Cool Shades: Hanna's "douchebag shades".
- Crystal Ball Scheduling: immediately after being forced to watch trailers for tacky Spring Break softcore, Eve sees a number of girls casually discussing their drunk partying and promiscuity, prompting Eve to comment:
Eve: Jesus, did they follow us out of the TV? It's like The Ring except I don't get to die.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Hanna, a bit upset over Marek's charity date, contents herself with a vibrator.
- Deadpan Snarker: Eve and Will, amongst others.
- Disturbed Doves: Referenced in this strip.
- Easy Amnesia: One of the effects of Hanna's 'Brownout Biscuit'.
- Or so she says. It doesn't actually work.
- Effective Immediately: When America Jones's friends ditch her.
- Enthusiasm Versus Stoicism: Hanna, who is either giddy or angry - there is no calm.
- Even the Guys Want Him: At least one man bids on Marek at a bachelor auction.
- Expy: Will bears an uncanny resemblance to Scott Pilgrim when he's clean-shaven, which might partly explain the Perma-Stubble.
- Fail O'Suckyname:
Hanna: Everest? Her parents should be in jail.
- Family Theme Naming: Eve and Mor. They were named after two of their parent's favorite mountains, Everest and Rushmore. They also conveniently shorten into the punny names Eve Ning and Mor Ning, matching their mother, Dawn Ning.
- Fascinating Eyebrow: Marty Jayne.
- First Boy Wins: Eve gets back together with her first love.
- Only to break up again when he moves out of town.
- For Halloween I Am Going as Myself: It's possible that the giant lobster who played leopards at Olly's Halloween event was in fact not a guy in a costume.
- Freudian Excuse: Humorous example--Puget Sean hates nerds because his father left for an anime convention and never came back.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: Eve has both in this strip.
Eve: I'm so glad I'm borderline paranoid schizophrenic!
- Green-Eyed Monster: Hanna's eyes actually turn green when Marek manages to incite a bidding war at a bachelor auction.
- Important Haircut: Marigold after she and Will break up.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: Eve, Will, Hanna... most of the characters, at one point or another.
- I Resemble That Remark:
- Will fights Bert at a Renaissance fair.
Will: I don't remember a mob being part of this agreement!
Bert: With a temper like yours, I couldn't take my chances.
Will: TEMPER?! ...(beat)
- Mor and Eve discuss...something.
Mor: I'll tell you when we get there.
Eve: Tell me now.
Mor: N-no...I don't want to upset you.
Eve: (sweating and clenching teeth) You couldn't possibly upset me.
- Intertwined Fingers: Eve and Park do it in this strip.
- Literal-Minded:
Marek: As soon as we have the time, we ought to travel.
Hanna: Where do you want to go?
Marek: Anywhere with you, my love!
Hanna: Oh, honey.
Marek: Some place low-pressure.
Hanna: The top of Mt. Everest!
Marek: A place where we can just chill.
Hanna: The South Pole!
- Malaproper: Olly says "coup d'etat" instead of "coup de grace".
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Hanna certainly fits the personality type, with her quirky mannerisms, unique business, and tendency to chase after adventure like a dog after passing cars. Played with in that she acts as this for Eve, since her boyfriend is the preternaturally well-adjusted Marek.
- Me Love You Long Time: Referenced in this strip, in which an Asian male considers it unfair that so many Asian women date white guys.
- Midnight Snack: In this strip, Eve has one, and is concerned about her being embarrassed when a buck naked Marek shows up.
- Noodle Incident: Julia gets Brady to do something by reminding him about an incident involving chutney and a hollowed-out baguette.
- also, the peas thing.
- Nice Guy: Marek, paired with The Stoic. The only times he's been remotely off his stride is when he and Hanna thought narc agents were banging down their door, and when Hanna fractured her coccyx in a skating accident.
- Nipple-and-Dimed: Discussed by Hanna here.
- Pass the Popcorn: The employee at the laser tag place watches the stoners/nerds match with some popcorn and even recites some of the lines.
- Perma-Stubble: Will, as shown here.
- Punny Name: Everest 'Eve' Ning, her brother Rushmore 'Mor' Ning, and their mother Dawn Ning.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Hanna and Marek.
- Remember When You Blew Up the Sun: Eve has some prestige at her workplace for swimming across the East River, catching an eagle chick, and sucker-punching Bloomy.
- The Rival: America Jones considers herself one for Eve. What she doesn't get is that this is a strictly one-way rivalry.
- Serious Business: the Guild of the Ristretto.
- Shipper on Deck: "Who would even ship us?" "I'M shipping us!"
- Shirtless Scene: We're led to believe that Chris is simply embellishing his physique on the strategy sheet, but he actually is pretty well-built.
- Shout-Out: Hanna makes a video to save Olly's Organix called "LEAVE OLLY ALONE".
- The Stoner: Hanna and Marek.
- Stupid Boss: Olly. Not only does he make blunders, he blames his employees for them.
- Take That: Eve finds James with a girl in a The Decemberists shirt and a Livestrong bracelet carrying a copy of Angels & Demons. Eve reacts with equal horror to all these things.
- Unreliable Narrator: Dawn claims she pulled Eve out of figure-skating due to pressure from her father, who had wished Eve were a boy. The thing is, Eve was a tomboy on her own merits and would rather play hockey. And ended up quitting skating on her own because of her parents fighting.
- Unsatisfiable Customer: In the first comic.
- Unsound Effect: BKAM! ALTERCATE!
- You Never Asked: Marek was actually on the nerds' team in the laser tag match.