Observe the Viewing Globe
So you're reading Power Rangers fanfic, and...wait, what the hell are they doing?
Welcome to Observe the Viewing Globe, a collaboration of Power Rangers fanfic authors which is basically a porn parody. The rangers have hormonal spikes, and they have to deal with them or the consequences will be lethal. Of course, they don't actually have proof of that, but the consequences will be lethal.
Tropes used in Observe the Viewing Globe include:
- Artistic License Statistics: Kinsey never said one in ten men was gay. Kinsey 6's were about one in 50. Kinsey 0's were three out of four, but he speculated some might be armoured closet bisexuals.
- Author Appeal: And how!
- Biggus Dickus: Zack and Tommy
- Covert Pervert: Zordon
- Even Evil Has Standards: Don't expect to see Justin any time soon.
- Everyone Is Bi: And how!
- Foe Yay: Rita's a Yaoi Fangirl. She actually casts a spell on Tommy making him an Armoured Closet Gay, which can only be cured by sex with Jason.
- Ho Yay: All the guys, but especially Jason and Tommy.
- Les Yay: Any pink/yellow pairing obviously. Sometimes Kim/Kat or Aisha/Trini.
- Mate or Die
- OT3: And OT4, OT5, OT6, and OT11.
- Power Perversion Potential: In addition to power hormones, Andros and Zhane use psychokinesis.
- She's a Man In Japan: Handwaved because Trini's a hermaphrodite when morphed.
- Shout-Out: Rocky really likes Monty Python.
This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.