< ObsCure
- Anvilicious: From the second game's opening scene, it's shown how the students at Fallcreek only care about two things. Then just in case the player didn't get it, it is then stated outright, through a report in the hospital level, that the infection which consumed everyone on campus was spread due to rampant sex and drug use. To really drive home the point that those are bad things, by the end of the game, all the characters that were partying at the beginning have been killed off, mostly in an arbitrary fashion.
- Just what you'd expect from a playable teen horror flick.
- Complete Monster: Kenny, after turning on the team.
- Cult Classic: The games have developed a very strong cult following in the years following their release.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: The game itself actually counts as it's developed a very strong cult following in the years following it's release.
- Corey and Mei both ended up being more popular than any of the other new characters introduced in the second game. A google image search for Mei alone brings up several fan art of her and Corey himself has a few. It helps because Mei suffers a completely unexpected and brutal death at the hands of Kenny, and poor Corey commits suicide after being unable to deal with her death by the end of the game. Their popularity resulted in a spin off game in works called Obs Cure Survivor which was supposed to be something of a light gun game and was to explore Corey and Mei's characters and relationship further. Sadly, it was cancelled. Game Informer even listed Corey and Mei #14 of Video Games Cutest Couples.
- Goddamned Bats: The Harpies in the second game. They're fast, they attack in groups, and they're almost impossible to hit with melee weapons, force you to waste precious ammo to defeat them.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Shannon's unlockable costume in the first game marks the most drastic shift for any of the characters, taking the Girl Next Door and giving her a Hotter and Sexier goth/punk makeover as opposed to just recoloring her existing clothes. The second game has Shannon canonically becoming a goth chick.
- Moral Event Horizon: Former hero Kenny, following his mutation, takes a flying leap over the horizon following a Face Heel Turn, starting with crushing Mei's head under his heel while her boyfriend Corey watches, then abducting his girlfriend Amy to repeatedly rape her offscreen.
- Strangled by the Red String: Shannon and Stan in the second game. Granted, there is a Time Skip between the two games, but there is no mention of it previously, and their kiss just comes out of the blue.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: The 2.5D spinoff brawler ObsCure D was set up to become a full series reboot following acquisition by Focus Interactive. Eventually, it was rebranded as its own original title Final Exam following fan backlash.
- Tier-Induced Scrappy: The characters in the first game all had unique abilities, but due to Anyone Can Die, none of them are necessary to complete the game, and furthermore, some are more useful than others.
- Ashley's abilities (both a rapid-fire skill and extra damage with every weapon except the laser) are by far the most useful for combat.
- Josh and Stan make for an excellent pair when searching for items. Josh can tell if there are still items in the room that you haven't picked up, letting you know whether or not to keep searching or move on, and while Stan's ability is more situational, him being able to both find pickable locks and pick them faster than the other characters has its uses (especially if a monster is closing in and there's a locked door between you and escape).
- Kenny is a lower-tier character, as while his ability to sprint can come in handy for jumping in and out of melee combat, it doesn't bring much to the table if you also have Ashley. Furthermore, sprinting away from combat is a good way to leave your slower partner to his or her demise.
- Shannon is probably the least useful, as both of her unique talents (puzzle tips and improved healing with first aid kits) can be accomplished in the hub zone.
- What an Idiot!: You're barely fighting off the spores in your body, even with the help of medication, so why would you deliberately inhale a whole bunch of them, Kenny?!
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