< O Brother, Where Art Thou?

O Brother, Where Art Thou?/Headscratchers

  • Did Everett and Penny ever get back together again? or did Penny,being the ungrateful b**** she is,do her stupid "count-to-3" act and refuse to marry him without the original ring?
    • Ungrateful? What does she have to be grateful for? It seems like Everett, while good-hearted, was a lot of talk with not a lot of acting on any of his promises, and then he got himself thrown in jail for practicing law without a license, and when he saw her again he was planning to do the exact same thing again with a dentist's practice. It's perfectly understandable that she would want to trade him in for someone more trustworthy. ... But to answer your question, I assume she must have eventually, because Penelope in the original myth believed Odysseus' return and accepted him.
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